I spent today at community organizations, mee...

July 29, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I spent today at community organizations, meeting their directors and getting a feel for what they do, and what we do with/to them. I also met with the VISTA at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in North Adams, and she and I got excited about collaborative work. She's such an inspiration!

Anna also made a suprise visit last night. I haven't seen her in two weeks due to various weddings on her part, which is a long time after a whole summer together. On Friday, Casey, Jess, Anna Lev and I are going to Jess' grandparent's house in the adarondacks! A whole weekend of adventure!

For now, you can call the office if you'd like to chat- it's not particularly busy, and we can always reschedule in the evening. As my house in only a block away, if anyone wants to call later in the pm, I can return to the office and wait for the ring.

So, instead of calling Verizon to fix my phon...

July 28, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

So, instead of calling Verizon to fix my phone, I decided to shut it off and go cellular. I haven't picked up a plan yet, but I shall do it soonish. Sweet Jacqui Shine called yesterday, and reminded me of the power human kindness has on one's mood. I a meeting this morning with a volunteer at a local org that reminded me (again!) of the power of human kindness. Can you imagine organizing a five-hour clothing sale once a year that makes $18,000?! That, my friends, is dedication. It's nice to know that I don't have to go far to find inspiration.

Happy (belated) Birthday, mum! Once my phone ...

July 26, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Happy (belated) Birthday, mum! Once my phone starts working (squirrel damage, perhaps?), I'll give a call. The weekend was absolute bliss, and I return renewed and full of lovin' from my friends.

Finally Friday, and I'm blowing this popsicle...

July 23, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Finally Friday, and I'm blowing this popsicle stand for the Cape. I've got a ride down, not with the band, but with a sympathetic fan named Zach who has kept me company when I'm not quite ready to go home and face the stench of death. He's organizing the basement of siskind (my office) for the outing club. I sit on the stairs and listen to his stories about going abroad at Oxford and life in rural New Hampshire... you know, the east coast things I came here to learn about. Anyway, he's driving down to a battle of the bands in noho, and I'm getting a ride. Looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Too bad Anna's in L.A. for yet another wedding, sniff. But clearly I'll enjoy spending quality time with Casey, Jess, and Anna Mo solo.

Fourth day on the job

July 22, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Fourth day on the job. I feel cut adrift with my supervisor gone. Just a few phone numbers, a few pages of insider's notes on community organizations and two weeks to find my own way. The squirrels make me want to cry... I'm afraid it smells like a morgue in July, without air conditioning. The live squirrel scratching in the wall is less and less distrurbing, but still disheartening. Karma for all the squirrels I used to chase around Smith. Hopefully I'll be able to get to the Cape this weekend with Anna Mo, Casey and Jess. If I can work it, I'm going to get a ride into Noho with some Williams punk band on Friday night. Ah, creative transport. Thinking of all of you.

Oh, my, and I didn't even call to say happy b...

July 20, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Oh, my, and I didn't even call to say happy birthday. Adam, I hope you love me anyway. Through my many meetings today, I've given the love of my family all the credit. Missing all of you.

My home phone number is (413) 458-9064 and my...

July 19, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

My home phone number is (413) 458-9064 and my office number is (413) 597-2139. first day: overwhelming, surrounded by love and support, and only one dead squirrel in the wall.

Still rockin' at Endicott College in Beverly, MA

July 15, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Still rockin' at Endicott College in Beverly, MA. Things are going so well! I do miss you all terribly, but it's clear that I'll be able to come home for Christmas for a week or more, and have 10 personal days that be made into a lovely Northwest vacation.

I am mid-way through VISTA leadership orienta...

July 14, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I am mid-way through VISTA leadership orientation, and reeling from the intensity and information. They prepare us on every level, for all possible administrative issues, positions, challanges, and tasks. While the sessions are very good, I see now that the orientation is primarily to build strong bonds between members of the Corps, so when real problems arise, we can use our collective connections, talents, and problem solving skills. I return home on Friday to move into my new apartment on the weekend and start work on Monday. Unless, of course, the squirrels that are currently living in my place have armed themselves and mutinied. Then I'll stay in Noho for a few more days. Much love.

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