More news from Anna: she is very well, enjoyi...
July 25, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
More news from Anna: she is very well, enjoying the rural life with lots of family and friends in Bukhaweka and Namirama, and says this about the school project's status:
"Workers have dug the foundation for the school (even though I have not yet paid them), and the transport man tried to bring "hard core" (big rocks) to the site on Saturday. Everyone is very eager! Unfortunately, one of the bridges that he must cross to get to Namirama is not yet finished, so workers are hurrying today to complete it. Apparently, someone contacted the government to say that we needed the bridge fixed so that we could get building materials to Namirama, so this is why they are working on it now. Otherwise it would have remained broken, because it was not in the budget for this year. Although communication is very slow here (not many telephones, very few cars), people seem to manage. The concept of messengers is still very real here."
Wonderful news, in my humble opinion.
Williamstown is beautiful, and I'm furiously redecorating the entire house before Anna comes home and puts here two cents in. I'm aiming for a country pirate look.
I just talked to Anna for about five minutes,...
July 21, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
I just talked to Anna for about five minutes, and she's alive and well in Mbale, Uganda! She'll be moving to Bukhaweka soon, so will be without electricity while she works with the even smaller and more rural Namirama village community. I suppose our plan to send Williams computers to the new school isn't quite as practical as I had thought. Life is dreadfully dull and hot without her, but I'm trying to do exciting stuff at work to keep me (and the administration) on my (and its) toes. As far as I'm concerned, if I don't get one tentative East Coast warning that I may be pushing the private school town gown barrier a little too far, I haven't done my job.
My friends Alexis and Kelly are probably coming west from Boston for a little vacation and art extravaganza in early August. Hooray!
May you live a hundred years, may you drink a...
July 20, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
May you live a hundred years, may you drink a hundred beers, don't get plastered you baaaad boy, happy birthday to you!
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, mom
July 19, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, mom. He sounded like an important part of your life, even if he was only a short-term gift to you.
Anna is safe and sound in Kampala, overstuffed by the glorious international airplane staff and her kind and attentive host, Michael. I will keep you updated on her progress with the school. I can't believe the amount on her plate with this project- who is expected to build a school in five weeks? Of course, there is no real expectation for the school to be finished when she leaves, but she is expected to establish the process, far more complex than the actual building of the school, in my mind. Such an exciting, difficult, and worthwhile project.
I finished the new Harry Potter yesterday, the only nice thing about living as a bachelor again. My ability to fend for myself in the kitchen has, of course, fallen short of Anna's recent creative cooking endevors. I haven't had popcorn for dinner yet, but I don't think it will be too long until I'm chewing on dry tortillas covered in peanut butter.
Sign Oxfam's ONE campaign petition
July 06, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Sign Oxfam's ONE campaign petition.
We believe that, in the best American tradition of helping others help themselves, now is the time to join with other countries in an historic pact for compassion and justice to help the poorest people of the world overcome AIDS and extreme poverty.
We recognize that a pact including such measures as fair trade, debt relief, fighting corruption and targeting an additional one percent of the US budget towards providing basic needs -- education, health, clean water, food, and care for orphans -- would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the poorest countries.
We commit ourselves -- ONE person, ONE voice, ONE vote at a time -- to make a better, safer world for all.
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