Dorothy's Memorial Service

August 07, 2013 by Lohring in Lohring

Yayoe suggested that Jordan's birthday this Saturday would be a good time for a memorial service, and I agree. After the party, Jenny promises to drown the small children in the pool while we have a brief presentation by me of my mom's life. Please bring any of your thoughts along or e-mail them to me for inclusion in the presentation. Also please feel free to speak up. I'm putting Adam in charge of recording everything so those of you who can't be here will get a copy.


August 02, 2013 by Lohring in Lohring

Thank you everyone for your cards, letters, e-mails, and CD. I'm still thinking about a memorial service. My mother hated funerals and wasn't particularly religious, but a small get together in her memory would be nice. Almost everyone who knew her in Meadville is either dead or gone. I think Eugene has the largest concentration of her remaining family in one place. She had several ceremonies recognizing her in Pennsylvania while she was alive. I'm open to all your ideas.

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