Another letter from Sadie came in (slightly e...

August 31, 2001 by Adam in Sadie & Greg

Another letter from Sadie came in (slightly edited for content):

    I headed off to 'le toilet', which my mme showed me before I put down my bags and gave mpo (gifts). I pulled open the door, and cocking its hair little head was a huge cockroach. "I will not be afraid of bugs, I will not be afraid of bugs," I told myself, and swept a few away. That night I dreamt of having to venture off to the latrine, perching on the toilet, and being covered in those not so little animals. However, by morning I had overcome my feelings and made friends with the furry things. The dog who I believe has tetnus, is still alive, but no one has a name for him. If any unusual meat comes my way after the atsa passes, I'll be sure to write.

    I bathe as much as I eat, so I am quite squeaky and full. My family is interesting, and intent on teaching me Setswana. I plucked a chicken and made dumplins. No vegitables yet. We sit by a paraphin lamp at night and talk (or rather, they talk), and go to bed by 8. The language lessons are from 8 am until 7 pm, and although I know nothing now, in a few weeks I might hold my own in a conversation without saying "gobe?" every sentence.

    Too new to be sad or overjoyed - just experiencing, responding, and always aware. No worries, and all my kisses to the new one.

Got a letter from Sadie in Africa I thought I...

August 29, 2001 by Adam in Sadie & Greg

Got a letter from Sadie in Africa I thought I'd share:

Please kiss the new baby for me! Last night I fell asleep to the sound of a Zioniut choir - The Power of One soundtrack couldn't hold a candle to the real thing. Everyone on the trip is amazing. No annoying Smithies in sight. [Ed: to any Smithies reading this web site, she's referring to the other ones.] On Sunday we are going into our first village homestay. My first Setswanna lesson was today - an uphill battle at best, but nothing that can't be laughed off. I'm sure to fail and humiliate myself terribly for the first month. Oh well. Batsi, one of the program assistants, was going to write Thomas Mapfuomo's biography - loves Chimerenga Mulie. I'm doing very well Love you all tons. SADIE

Hello from amsterdam! I am writing from a ve...

August 14, 2001 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Hello from amsterdam! I am writing from a very flat screened hp, with a melodic but indiscernable language in the background. The flight over was quite nice, and Takei met me in Detroit with a cheek kiss and the warmest of affections to get me through the long flight over the Atlantic. I hope Noah is healthy and kicking as I write this. I love you all so much, and if you do not here from me within the next month, it is not because I do not love you, but because dsl connections are few and far between in the third world. But in amsterdam, ah amsterdam...

Sadie asked that I take and post this picture...

August 11, 2001 by Adam in Sadie & Greg

Sadie asked that I take and post this picture of the bruise on her arm. Why, I have no idea. I'm thinking of starting up a contest. Is Sadie posting this because:
A) She hopes to sue someone at a later date.
B) She wants proof of something personally embarrasing.
C) Sadie thinks it's cool and wants to share it.
D) She hopes to embarrass someone else.

One entry per day. Family and friends aren't eligible. Winners will recieve a congratulatory, "Woo hoo! You win!"

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