Mom and I had lunch with Ann Leong, whose hus...

August 27, 2003 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Mom and I had lunch with Ann Leong, whose husband also died of pancreatic cancer a year ago. She gave us wonderful advice on sewing quilts out of clothes and recommended Something to Crow About in Springfield. It was nice to be listened to by someone who had felt what mom and I are feeling, and then grew to understand why, which I think I am still at a loss about. She said that we are born and trained to problem solve, and this is one unsolvable problem that we are stuck with. A paradoxical slap in the face, if you ask me.

The grieving process has not dampened a love for Gregory Peck, however, and I rented Spellbound by Hitchock last night- wonderful! Way better than The Ring. Next pick: Notorious.

My new email address is Snail mail address is 55 South St. Apt. 2 Noho MA 01060.

I have a few days left until I fly back to No...

August 25, 2003 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I have a few days left until I fly back to Northampton, so today was a day of shipping off extra stuff. I have an eye appoointment and an appointment with Morgan Munro to say goodbye to Eugene on foot. I imagine we'll stumble around downtown reminicing about high school, then go to a movie. Hopefully I'll have time to play with everyone one more time before the east coast has me for good.

and the smith email account doesn't work anymore, so i'll keep you posted as to what email i decide to use.

Anna arrived in the Metro Detroit airport wit...

August 18, 2003 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Anna arrived in the Metro Detroit airport with its power was off, so it took a few days to get her luggage. However, although the treadmill still does not work properly after the power was turned on, her family, on a whole, seemed to live through it. Perhaps a few more days and they'd have taken Seraph's/a few Iraqi's advice on taking to the streets. Sounds good to me, the corporate American deregulating neoliberal bastards.

I'm in chilly San Fracisco, wishing very much...

August 11, 2003 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I'm in chilly San Fracisco, wishing very much that I was in Eugene. Not that Morgan and Luke haven't been wonderful, but they are good to me knowing that they stand in for the perennial good company of family. Seraph and I agree, losing two people in three months is bad for the spirits, but I keep reassuring myself that the process of grieving is an enriching one. I'm still waiting, though. Many hugs.

All my thoughts and prayers are with the fami...

August 08, 2003 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

All my thoughts and prayers are with the family right now. Mom, please tell the Milosovic's how much I am thinking of them and wishing them peace.

I felt like I got dumped by professor Donna R...

August 05, 2003 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I felt like I got dumped by professor Donna Riley last week. She stopped returning my emails. I called her office today, and, as I anticipated, it was not malice but mediochre communication skills that prevented her from contacting me. She isn't particularly used to having someone work for her, causing much confusion and frustration between us. Anyway, I'm pretty much done with the position as it stands. I wish I had known that it would turn out this way so I could have organized my summer differently. Not that I haven't enjoyed babysitting and cleaning, but perhaps volunteering at St. Vincent de Paul's housing dept. or poking around Eugene's planning office... oh well. The free time was theraputic.

I'm leaving for San Francisco with Morgan and Luke on Wednesday morning and returning on Tuesday or Wednesday. We're taking the weekend in L.A. and playing with various friends. Should be fun and relaxing.

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