After jaunting off to an Amherst class this a...
September 06, 2000 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
After jaunting off to an Amherst class this afternoon and being terribly dissapointed, I decided to instead take 20th Century Africa at Smith. The male to female ratio will be predictably low, but the class fits my interests and current needs far more than a two hour bus trip and a lackluster proffessor. Like dad as an undergrad, I have fully adopted the habit of tasting classes before diving in. In order to apply to the Botswana program for spring semester, I must take an African studies course. In order to finish Smith with a double major in sociology and psychology, I must work my ass off and think very seriously about taking my junior year abroad in a country where all psychology and sociology credits transfer to my major. So all of this planning and worrying throws me off not one bit from my mantra of balance- really. If ANYONE can give me words of wisdom about my life path at this moment, I would humbly appriciate it.
I'm successfully moved into my Morris single,...
September 01, 2000 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
I'm successfully moved into my Morris single, and although everything is moldy from that "unexpected rain" this summer (which floded a few too many Smith basements), I'm settled and happy. I remain wary of crazy and/or neurotic people, because they throw me off balance- balance is my mantra these days. I want so much to keep the sense of wholeness of this summer that all my behavior is an intentional compensation for any bad Smith vibes. If that doesn't work, I'm applying to a Zimbabwe/Botswana abroad program for next semester, so I can just jaunt off when things get too crazed. My job is pretty' awesome, with much responsibility and time commitment, but I'm not too worried. Its just what I wanted to do last year- build house community and drag people out of the house to do cool stuff.
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