Ah, I'm trying to relearn math concepts so fa...
September 26, 2007 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Ah, I'm trying to relearn math concepts so far in my depths of my middle school memories that I feel like I'm re-living Roosevelt Middle School, hanging out with Sam and Bud and watching Jurassic Park in home room. It is absolutely ridiculous that my professional career depends upon how much I was paying attention in seventh grade. Anna and I have an emergency math session over the phone tonight.
Oh, making witches jars sounds like endless f...
September 23, 2007 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Oh, making witches jars sounds like endless fun! I'll have to try a few of my own (I have dibs on the VISTA corps' Halloween party). On Saturday, some of the Rhode Island VISTA crew came over to watch a movie, a respite from the day long study marathon my study buddy and I had undertaken. Tomorrow, after a training, she and I are driving up to a graduate school fair in Boston to check out the wares. Good fun!
I'm loving my volunteer gig at New Urban Arts, cleaning and organizing in preparation for their fall season. It's wildly satisfying to, after a long day of typing and organizing national initiatives, use my hands to organize real, concrete a space. Handling liminal space all day can drag you down.
I got to meet Lohring's best friend from chil...
September 14, 2007 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
I got to meet Lohring's best friend from childhood, David, this weekend. It was an absolutely magical experience, and made me realize (though I don't know why this continues to stupefy me) that people really are the same in wonderful ways when they are six and sixty. I guess it's just between sixteen and twenty six that they (I) forget, and have to slowly relearn that time is relative.
Folks are fixing our leaky roof this afternoo...
September 07, 2007 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Folks are fixing our leaky roof this afternoon, causing noxious fumes to filter into our office. My supervisor has already left, and my brain has become oddly heavy. While it could be Friday, this lurking nausea could be roof fumes. With all of the new vocabulary I'm cramming into my head these days, I need to be delicate with myself, so I'm going to go home early. I hope the emails I sent this morning weren't incoherent...
Back in Providence and setting up a rigid GRE...
September 04, 2007 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg
Back in Providence and setting up a rigid GRE study schedule for the next two months. I have to relearn geometry, and can only remember those beautiful spirals, golden rectangles, and the billiard game from Donald Duck in Mathmagicland.
Providence seems to be a wealth of old family friends from Meadville! I'm excited to meet all of these new old friends, and am angling for tea dates. I'm imagining having lots of intimate chats with Judi Dench, which may not exactly be what I'll get.
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