The last bit of fall

September 26, 2011 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

All we got form the CSA this Saturday were green tomatoes and beets, a sign that summer is through. This picture - a tomato, basil, and potato au gratin- is in honor of all the great tomatoes we ate last month.

I just finished Gwendolyn Brooks' March, a fictional account of the experience of Little Women's Mr. March, who was a Union minister in the Civil War. It was fantastic, and I never read historical fiction- testament to my friend Anna Monas' impeccable taste. She has also passed on When You Reach Me by Rebbecca Stead, which I highly recommend for imaginative and precocious readers in or nearing middle school... and for everyone else who'd like their socks knocked right off and into the washing machine.

We had dinner with friends this weekend, who we haven't seen since mid August. Greg's enjoying classes and I'm loving every minute of True Impact. It's like graduate school with a funnier teacher and a more satisfying purpose. 


September 15, 2011 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

It was awesome seeing everyone this weekend. We brought much affection and infection home with us; Greg is on antibiotics for a sinus infection and I'm limping by on NyQuil and hot toddies. Greg is prescribing pork chops.

We took a bunch of blurry pictures of the wedding, but at least this one captured a gesture of the celebration of Ana and Lohring at the sweetheart table.

See you soon!

September 08, 2011 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

We're looking forward to seeing all of you this weekend for our tiny visit. Here's a dreamy picture my friend Tally took while Seraph and I snuck off for a lay down at the farm. Best nap of my life.

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