A short Sunday night entry

July 18, 2005 by Sue in Wielesek

A short Sunday night entry...I stayed overnight on Thursday at the nursing home; the staff was wonderful, and helped me push the extra bed in the room over so I could reach Steve's
hand.His mom Pat is having hip surgery in three weeks, so she couldn't really stay, even though she would have liked to. By Friday morning his breathing was very labored, and he died shortly after I got up.
Bob took off work at noon, and he and Ron, Bob's cousin,(and the third musketeer of the group), took Pat to the funeral home. The boys apparently complained loudly and at some length about the shortcomings of the funeral home (to the funeral home lady, who I had dealt with earlier, and who did in fact seemed quite put out - nay, more like Pissed Off - that so many people had the nerve to die at the same time).However, Pat got through the business part in fine shape, and I think the guys performed their support group roles with great panache.
And joy of joys, Seraph and Robbie came down for the weekend - Seraph to make curtains for me, and Robbie to take his former Sunday School class to Barnes and Nobel for the Potter party, then back to the church to camp out. They were the perfect support group for me. So love to all, and happy almost birthday to Adam.

This last two weeks have been strange, moving...

July 14, 2005 by Sue in Wielesek

This last two weeks have been strange, moving from the land of the living to the nursing home, a shadow land of the dying and those people who have ceased to exist because they have no memory. It also seems beyond the Oregon Statutes - when Steve was first there, he wanted marijuana for pain, rather than medicine. We asked the staff, who
told us to close his door and open the windows. It surely seems to me that docs should be able to prescribe marijuana in end-of-life situations, rather than having us elderly
leading a life of crime. Steve is in the stage when all I do
is hold his hand - although I sang Blanket Bay to him this morning,with its amazingly effective calming effect. Glad everyone is well, and prayers for any readers who aren't.

Hi, love to all, and you should know that Sad...

July 06, 2005 by Sue in Wielesek

Hi, love to all, and you should know that Sadie has been
"referenced". Remember when she worked on a book that one of
the professors(call her Pollywog, as I can't remember her name) at Smith was writing? Anyhow, the book was
published, and Sadie was named as one of the authors. An article on the same subject was published recently. It referred to "the work of Pollywog and Miller". Ah, what amazing people you all are.
On a sad note, Bob and I have been spending a lot of time at a nursing home, where his old budd Steve has been dying of brain cancer.

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