Next day

December 27, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Bob and I are watching a lackluster bowl game between USC and Boston College after a beautiful sunny day. I slept until 11 this morning! I had both my H1N1 and seasonal flu shot on Wednesday morning, and felt real subdued yesterday, so I think I needed a bit of rest. Christmas was just delightful.

It started by giving Richard a day off on Thursday. He's put in a brick walkway down the side of the house - a dirty muddy job, with dirt and mud in the house, no matter how careful he is. Bob and I took Sam and Emma to breakfast, cleaned house and ran around, visiting Bob's 99 year old Aunt Thaye, a favorite of both of us, stopping by to leave a present with the Moons - Rick is Bob's fishing/tennis partner in crime, taking presents to Jenny's, and cruising Holiday Market. I got to have a nice long phone call with Sadie.

Thursday also brought a nice box of baked goodies from sister Betsy, including cinnamon rolls. Friday morning I made a couple of loaves of quick bread, and finally got Bob out the door by 11:30. Adam and the kids were there, and everyone was in good spirits. The boys disappeared to play with computers and Christmas presents, and Emma and Adam painted her fingernails with Jenny's present to her, a fingernail decorating kit. We got to talk with Seraph and the New Mexico gang. Courtney and their troops came, and John and Yayoe were there later.Jenny had a wonderful dinner, ham with mashed potatoes and all the goodies. A good time was had by all.

A bit sleepy in Seattle

December 21, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Good morning from Seattle! Aric's game finished late yesterday afternoon, after double overtime, and by the time we scooped him up to visit Uncle Jim, it was late and nearly dark. We decided to wait and drive down today. Josh reassured us that all was well at home, and I didn't hear the sound of crashing plates, female laughter, or loud music in the background, so I suspect he was telling the truth. It's just as well we waited, since Aric didn't feel well and at 10:45 is still sound asleep.

It's been a nice weekend. Bob's brother-in-law definitely has lots of healing time and rehab with his leg, but the rest of him - his innards and remaining body parts, are fine. Sherrill looked a little tired, but his good care and progress have been heartening.

So we'll wander back to Eugene at a slow pace, probably not getting in until this evening sometime. Love to all, Mom

Good Morning

December 17, 2009 by Dick in Wielesek

Getting ready to drive to Seattle tomorrow for the weekend. Aric has a basketball tournament in Bellevue; he's back playing basketball for LCC, and really seems to being settled in and enjoying school. He has a lovely girlfriend, Charlotte, and I think that's made a big difference in his life. She's just back from visiting grandparents in Miami; she says her grandma is a Polish Jewish grandma, and her funny little vignettes did bring back warm memories of Baba. We'll stay with Bob's sister, and will have a chance to visit her husband Jim, who seems to be recovering from his motorcycle accident injuries. I am missing those of you far away very much. Love, Mom

Eleven days to Christmas

December 14, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

and a day of odds and ends. Congratulations to Jamie, too, on finding such a nice place. The house looks lovely! Adam, thanks for including me in the Christmas tree foray and decorating. Thanks to Jenny and Sadie for the nice long phone calls. Sadie and Seraph, I'm going to send an email with this manual I had to write for the League. Those guys have all been members for so long they know how to everything, and I surely was at loose ends this summer planning a luncheon for 100 folks. Thanks, mom

A bit under the weather

December 08, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Adam, I hope I didn't dish up a nice big cold for you, Sam and Emma last night, as it seems to have burrowed in today. I'm sitting here in bed in a long red Union suit (more on that topic later) reeking of Vicks VapoRub and trying to reestablish breathing as part of my life.

First, I talked with Jenny. They got in about nine last night, and Jenny was sputtering disgustedly about the 17 degree weather. But it sounded as though they had a wonderful time; there was a teen club on the ship, and Destin was kept very busy. Jenny said it was especially nice to be there with her Dad and her kids and not have to dress up.

Next, would it work for you, Adam and Jamie, for me to take Jordan and Emma onThursday afternoon to Brushfire? Thursday is fine with Jenny. I'll check in with Jamie by phone. I was able to get into the doctor tomorrow afternoon.

The long underwear came about because when we went to Bi-Mart to pick up long underwear bottoms for the Oregon-Oregon State game, they only had women's (ie. tops and bottoms) in size Huge and Very Huge.  So I had to get men's small, which are not engineered to meet the special needs of us gals. But the game was fun.

Last, if anyone feels as though they need to get me a token present for Christmas, make it a pair of lightweight underpants. No bikini, thongs or French cut. I'm looking for easy to dry comfy trou to travel in. Medium, which I think is size 6. Colors are just fine.

Finally, a story about how nice my kids are to me. I brought holly from the office for gifts. I washed and trimmed it, discarding the scraps and small pieces into an old red plastic basket so no one would get jabbed on the leaves, which are really sharp. I had a nice "peck" basket, which I spray painted dark green, filled ever artistically with lots of holly and berries, put a plaid ribbon on the handle and put it by the trunk in the hall for Adam to take home. As I scurried around cooking, I told him to take the basket home with him. He was very politely grateful, and later, as he left, I saw him dragging along the old basket with the discarded leaves. After I finally righted all errors, he said, "This one is way cooler." Next time I'll bet I can give him the leftover  garbage and he'll take it home for the composter, thinking it's a really great gift and he has the perfect mom.


Happy Birthday, Robbie!

December 01, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Hi, Emma and I tried to call last night to wish you a happy happy. Hope school is going well and you're getting ready for the holiday season.

Love, Mom

Watching Sasha Cohen

November 28, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

We curled up and watched Bruno last night. The movie was a funny way to deal with the cinematic issue of full frontal male nudity, but another sad look at prejudice in the United States.

It was a real nice clambake

November 28, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

and, as the song goes, we all had a real nice time. Quick, family old movie experts, is that from "Carousel"? Thanks to the many fine cooks, and kitchen helpers, dinner went off without a hitch. The food everyone was assigned to cook, from the Gourmet Thanksgiving feature, turned out beautifully, and today I got a card in the mail saying Gourmet was no longer going to be published and I'd be getting Bon Apetit in its place. I can't read French, much less cook in it. Oh, well, I seem to be getting good at assigning other people jobs.


Busy week!

November 24, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

The laundry room is nearly finished. I've crammed in as many tools and as much extra leftover paint as possible, all done up prettily in glass jars with labels. Easier to see than in cans. Bob and I shopped this afternoon, and cut some holly to send to Seraph. If anyone has presents they want to send along, bring them on Thanksgiving and I'll tuck them along with mine. Anna's package is sent to France, and I do need to send off a little something to the British cousins. Jamie came over last week and helped me wrap presents, and I'm pretty much done with gifts. I want to get wreaths made over the next week, and Josh and Jamie helped me set up my computer for address labels. And then there's that large turkey sitting there.... Much love to all.

Give 'em hell, Sadie.

Sadie and Greg, I'm so sorry

November 14, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Sadie and Greg, I'm so sorry. Sadie, I know that you liked
Greg's grandmother and it was touching that she gave you her recipes. I'll talk with you when my cell phone gets charged.

Dali Lamba, Spanish Basque et maker (sorry, t...

November 13, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Dali Lamba, Spanish Basque et maker (sorry, too punny)
Russian surrealist film from the 30's, The Andalusian Wolfhound (sorry, too obscure)

Happy Birthday, Seraph! Have a wonderful rela...

November 10, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Happy Birthday, Seraph! Have a wonderful relaxing hot spring day. You already have the body of a godess! Much love from Oregon!

Thinking about all my loved ones this crisp g...

November 09, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Thinking about all my loved ones this crisp gray morning.
Like the Eskimoes have many words for snow, we Northwesterners need to have words for the many kinds and shades of grays in our sky. Seraph's birthday tomorrow!

We had fun this evening! We took Josh and Sam...

November 07, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

We had fun this evening! We took Josh and Sam to Hodgepodge, the Hawaiin restaurant run by the parents of the firl Aric used to date, to see Yayoe's group, The Refreshments, had a gig.

You're making Emma eat out of camping equipme...

November 06, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

You're making Emma eat out of camping equipment?

The inspiration for this little ditty came fr...

November 05, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

The inspiration for this little ditty came from one of Emma's big hugs.

I'm so glad that Emma's such a good girl,
Never wears her panties on her head
(In the school yard)
I'm so glad that Emma's such a good girl,
Won't eat chips in Momma's bed

Hasn't fed her brother earthworms,
Wouldn't key the neighbors' cars
Push old ladies into traffic,
Or make long distance calls to Mars

Just like her cousin Isabella,
Both are loving, kind and sweet.
But if they're both such good girls,
Why do angels quake when those two meet?

Speaking of grandkids, apparently Destin's grades were good at half-term. Sam and Josh are helping me with my car tomorrow.

Oh, Adam, I'm sorry we missed you

November 02, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Oh, Adam, I'm sorry we missed you. We were at the game. It was one of those football games when someone should have been making the college version of Friday Night Lights. The evening had its natural highs, starting off with not one but two rainbows, followed by a nearly dry evening with a spooky full moon lurking behind shreds of clouds. The fans
were cheerful and good natured, with lots of witty costumes.
As you knows, the mascot for USC is the Trojan, so of course
there were any number of visual puns - two guys totally encased, head to toe, in full length condoms, and a guy in a completely authentic red and gold cheerleader costume, except that on his chest it said, rather than USC Trojans, USE Trojans. And of course, the crowd loud and the team spectacular. Much fun!

We had a busy but fun weekend

October 26, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

We had a busy but fun weekend. On Saturday, which was a beautiful day, Dez and one of his buds came over and moved huge rocks down to where I want a low rock wall so that I
can sort of terrace the front yard, and make the upper level flat. The Ducks stomped the Huskies, which made me happy. The Huskie fans were all real mean when our team was bad years ago.
Sunday Bob and I cleaned, and then Josh, Adam and the kids were here for dinner at 6, and Aric at 8, after basketball practice.
Today it's raining, the kind of rain when you know there won't be another week of sunshine. I was lying on the bed, feeling sort of morose and thinking that I'd lost my husband, my pickup and my dog, and then I realize it sounded like a C&W song, and I'd better just get in gear.

Generic Heading

October 24, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Where's Emma?

Well, I must be better, because I'm going to ...

October 22, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Well, I must be better, because I'm going to committee meetings again. I should never agreed to be Membership Chair for the League of Women Voters, with two other Boards of Directors and a couple of sub-committees to attend to.
Everybody in the League is as old as me, or older, and one of the discussion topics today was having a professional photographer take pictures of the Board. The photographer
will also take individual photos at $35 a pop, and everyone agreed it would be a great opportunity to have an Obit photo
taken. These gals are a hoot. Since the best photo I have is me sitting in bed with a little garbage can on my head, perhaps this photo would be an improvement.

Hmmm, Lohring

October 21, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Hmmm, Lohring. Does it work in the water, too?

Darn, I've got the flu

October 14, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Darn, I've got the flu. And this a most social week! Adam, please consider this a Regrets. Back to sleep.

I'm STILL housecleaning

October 12, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

I'm STILL housecleaning. Lots of leftover dust and grime from the summer and remodeling. But all my geraniums (would that be gerania in Latin? I've been watching a video course called The Story of Human Language from The Teaching Company - wonderful teacher, John McWhorter; he showed up last spring on Bill Moyer's program on PBS)oh, and back to the geraniums - they're all happily inside, potted in smaller pots, a bit easier to move, clusted around the entry hall window.
This afternoon Dez and one of his friends were over for a couple of hours, working with me on cleaning the shed. We packed what's left of my camping gear after years of "Mom Can I Borrow", plus Bob's, up in the loft. It was generally a big project; they moved the last big tool box out to the shed from where it had summered in the kitchen.
I continue to try to get rid of stuff. Sadie, I'm sending on that little wood box Myron made for your great grandma Sadie. I think I'll see if Adam will take the picture of the Jones house which used to be in my office. Also, Jenny agreed to take the Triffid in the antique crock in the living room. It's grown so much it must be eating the flies and spiders which usually arrive this time of year.It's really hard to shove this stuff off on Jenny. Jenny, being adopted means you still have to take junk from your mother.
But today, she greeted me with an evil glint in her eye when I took the boys home and announced she had stuff to give me, a coat and jacket for Mikeoleto, Richard's little boy. Most welcome; they're living hand to mouth. If you know anyone who needs
outdoor or indoor work done, let me know. (Bob is upstairs swearing vigorously at his computer. He must be feeling better!)
Of course, I just got done buying a lovely little antique dresser, painted dark brown, for $50. He was asking $40, but I negotiated hard. (Eugene Springfield seems full of people down on their luck these days. A carpenter whose business went to hell in a handbasket, leaving them unable to finish remodeling a 1903 house; beautiful wide board flooring. I also bought a couple of the doors he'd replaced.)It's the same as the dresser up in Bob's room, and once refinished, will be nice in the new apartment downstairs.
We really are enjoying Josh; he's been eating with us in the evening since I haven't cleaned out enough space for him to store food. He always says thank you, and frequently tells me that dinner is good. Of course, it's tough to find food a growing boy likes.

Bob's not feeling great

October 09, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Bob's not feeling great. We both have sore throats, but he seems to have a bad cold. We're enjoying having Josh here. He's quiet, but has a nice sense of humor. I'm still house cleaning. Each year, I swear it's the last time.

I guess my spirits have lifted enough to post...

October 03, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

I guess my spirits have lifted enough to post in a slightly less morose vein. Bob and our worker guy did a wonderful job of repairing the garage roof, replacing termite ridden beams, and patching and painting the wall. Richard has also cut off branches on our tree, and some branches for the neighbor, giving us much more light. Richhard has had several job requests, from Hanni, from Deb, and from the neighbor. His wife and son arrived from California today, following apartment hunting, etc. Jenny is kindly donating some furniture to help them set up housekeeping. I'm having breakfast with Adam and Jamie next week to help them compile a list of things they need to think about and decide.

Trying hard to be upbeat

September 20, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Trying hard to be upbeat. I wish I were wiser. I really think carefully about my sort of matriarch position and can't figure out how my grandma Sadie Jones was always so smart. Is there a Wise Old Person book I just haven't read yet?

I had lunch with Jamie yesterday, both of us ...

September 17, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

I had lunch with Jamie yesterday, both of us courteous and a bit tentative. She sounds willing to see a counselor with Adam, and I didn't press her on about them seeing individual counselors. Everyone brings his or her own history into a marriage; sometimes it's a helpful foundation for marriage but sometimes personal history undermines one's best efforts to have a healthy adult relationship.
Today was the League of Women Voters luncheon I've been sweating over this summer; it went fine.

I watched the kids for a bit while Adam and J...

September 16, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

I watched the kids for a bit while Adam and Jamie went off to the non-existent counselor. I feel really bad, because I gave them her name because she's experienced and has a good
reputation. The kids kept busy, but you can tell that Emma is anxious and Sam is subdued. For the first time, I feel really discouraged.

Sadie, either go in town more or get him The ...

September 10, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Sadie, either go in town more or get him The Globe once in awhile.

Adam and Jamie continue to be uppermost in my...

September 10, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Adam and Jamie continue to be uppermost in my thoughts. Whether you believe in good thoughts, prayer, or "holding in the light", as Meggie, my Quaker sister does, please keep them with you. They have fifteen years and two beautiful children together. I remember thinking when Lohring and I divorced after nearly 25 years of marriage that it was like having all the flesh taken off my body and having my bones scraped, and I know it wasn't a lot of fun for him, either.
But on a lighter note, I talked with Isa last night, and told her that Emma was really excited about having homework. Isa, a third grader who's an old hand at this,
was complaining about all the work sheets her teacher assigned (they start school in mid-August) and she told me to warn Emma not to get too excited about homework, because by third grade it was no kick. Somehow Isa is reading Romeo and Juliet. She seemed put out that they had to buy The Complete Works rather than just Romeo and Juliet. Chaucer in Middle English next?

Sister Betsy called last night to send her lo...

September 02, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Sister Betsy called last night to send her love and support for Adam and Jamie. I'm hoping and hoping that this works out. Jamie has been like a daughter to me for so many years
that my heart hurts to think of all this.
We did have a fun morning with the kids. They love to
cruise Bob's room, which I think is full of junk, but which
they think is full of cool stuff. Then we headed out to search for the elusive nerf sword. The only thing we could find was $15 each(we wanted three, for mixed doubles sword
fights) so they had to resign themselves to the wrapping paper rolls (the wrapping paper was 50 cents a roll at Hirons, and in the toss-out closet. A bargain at twice the price. Makes a darn good sword, too.) Both kids seemed in good spirits; Emma has seemed aware, at least subconsciously, of Adam's and Jamie's problems, and has been uncharactistically subdued.
Speaking of fun with grandkids, we had a nice outing with Dez; Bob and I took him school supply shopping last week, and then wanted to take him to dinner. Given a choice, any 13 year old boy is going to choose Carl Juniors! Dez has gotten so mature this summer; it seems as though childhood
just slipped away, way too quickly.
And how couldn't you have fun with Jordan. We picked him up last Friday afternoon and headed off to see "Shorts"
undoubtedly one of the dumbest kid movies in a generation.
But you just can't beat Jordan as a movie companion. He pronounced it the "best movie ever." Bob asked about Godzilla movies, and Jordan, after reflection, modified his review to the "second best movie ever."

A busy, albeit boring, weekend! I've been try...

August 31, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

A busy, albeit boring, weekend! I've been trying to get all this summer's paperwork done. I got all the records done for the work on the new basement apartment, and helped Anna put together her taxes for 2007 and 2008. It was a bit challenging to deal with her income from teaching in France, and we're going in to see the IRS guys on Tuesday afternoon to make sure that we have the concept accurately.
Had a delightful breakfast at the Glenwood with Adam and the kids, who then came to help me set up the Skype which Adam gave me for my birthday. Sam and Emma took an old Magic Tricks book which had been Anna and Aric's. Emma practiced with the Ringmaster's hat and bow tie while Sam figured out how to use the fake thumb, aided by a mixture of catsup and cocktail sauce, to produce blood and gore.
I finally got the info together to do the accounting for our England trip, and had a lovely long conversation with Robbie and Seraph.

A quick good morning to all

August 28, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

A quick good morning to all. If you remember Sadie's former gf, Anna Levitt? She and her band will be playing Thursday night at Cosmic Pizza at 8:00 pm. Can we put together a theatre party and go? Much love, mom

Hopefully, the 90 degree day predicted for to...

August 27, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Hopefully, the 90 degree day predicted for today is the last scorcher for the summer! I'm membership chair for the local League of Women Voters. The big project for this is planning the fall luncheon, which is a real pain in the keister, as Prez Regan used to say. I'm having my first committee meeting at Lavelle's wine bar in Fifth Street Public Market. Since I want my committee members to do all these crappy jobs, like send invitations, I'm hoping to ply them with likker (and a nice cheese and fruit plate) so they're in an agreeable mood. Leadership....I'm a natural.

Hi, and a hot Thursday afternoon! Here at hom...

August 20, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Hi, and a hot Thursday afternoon! Here at home, fans running, ice water in hand, I'm feeling very sympathetic to those
working in the sun, or working, period. I've had two Board of Directors meetings and one Audit Committee meeting this week, with a Membership Committee meeting and an IRB meeting next week. I thought this was vacation time. Jordan's birthday party was very fun! Hugs to all, Mom

Adam and Jenny - would either Dez or Sam like...

August 14, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Adam and Jenny - would either Dez or Sam like to go to the Symphony with Bob and me. I have a chance to buy a single ticket for myself and Dez or Sam could sit with Bob.
9/24 The New World Symphony
10/22 Mozart's Magic Flute
11/19 The Mighty Organ Symphony
12/03 Beethoven and Brahms
1/21 Shostakovich Fifth Symphony
2/18 Beethoven's Fourth
3/18 Royal Fireworks
4/22 Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto
5/20 Mahler's Titan
Sorry, but I want a bumper sticker which says, I hate Mahler.
or maybe, "I love Dvorak"

Home sweet home! Agatha Christie apparently o...

August 13, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Home sweet home! Agatha Christie apparently once said, "English coffee always tastes like a chemistry experiment." I continue to believe that the British are superior in all things but the preparation of coffee.
All's well here, and I'm trying desparately to get everything done I didn't get done this summer.

Two busy fun filled days in London! It was he...

July 29, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Two busy fun filled days in London! It was helpful to sort out what kids might enjoy most; for sure the Tower of London, and the British Museum, and with Sam, the Natural History Museum and the Lonndon Dungeon Tour. Sam thinks the Dungeon
Tour would be too scary for younger kids. He liked the Hop On, Hop Off tour better when we sat upstairs and had a live
guide, rather than the pre-recorded info (though the pre-recorded guide was available in several languages.)I think
I'm going to persuade Seraph and Robbie to go to the British Library and maybe Seraph and I can go shopping on Regent Street. Who was it who said, "He who tires of London tires of life."?
It's too bad that there has been so great a White Flight from London.

Hi, I'm in Sam and Adam's room while Sam snoo...

July 28, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Hi, I'm in Sam and Adam's room while Sam snoozes a bit longer. After an auspicious start in Portland, my plane out of ny was very late, and I got in after Sam and Adam. I forgot that "nine pm push" which Yayoe and I experienced in NY. The trip from Heathrow was grueling for Sam, but he's
quickly acclimated to the noise and the diversty of people.
He probably picked up more history from the Dungeon tour than the Hop-on, off bus tour. He's so fun and slightly eccentric.
He quickly turned people watching into a contest.

Oh, thank you all for cooking

July 22, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Oh, thank you all for cooking. We had an elegant Italian dinner, and everyone, including Dez, prepared a dish or drink. Pretty fancy. And thank you for my wonderful birthday presents. I felt like the little kid in Close Encounters, "presents!"

Skip to the present

July 07, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Skip to the present. Anita and granddaughter Krysta come in to Portland later today. Their plane had not yet left, as there was some mechanical problem. They will be here until the 14th, when we drop them off in Portland about the same time Sadie and Greg get in. Anna is fixing a French dinner this Thursday night, and Jamie is having us for tea on Friday. Aric and Krysta are going on a half day rafting trip on Saturday afternoon. Hugs to all, Mom

Day 3 was a wonderful day for me

June 29, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Day 3 was a wonderful day for me. I drove down to Franklin, though I was never able to make connections with Cousin Kathy. I had a good visit with the people who bought Grandma Jones' house, and a tour through both 818 and 816 Buffalo. The rhody we planted in 1970 is quite large! I got back in time for my class reunion dinner, and got to see quite a few people I actually liked at Allegheny. Incidentally, in spite of my fear of cold weather, it was quite lovely.

Day 2 I got up very late, checked in with Dor...

June 14, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Day 2 I got up very late, checked in with Dorothy and Yayoe, and went to the reunion dinner on the lawn. In spite of the weather forecast, the weather was generally sunny, and I didn't need the umbrella I'd brought. I had reserved a room at a hotel south of meadville, on Sugar Lake, and was expecting standard if slightly down at the heels local motel. Instead, it was an ancient,(100 year old) basic (ie. no showers in the rooms) resort/fishing hotel, with a bar on the main floor, rocknroll bands on Friday and Saturday night, attended by the entire population of rural pa. who liked a good party.
Nonetheless, the location, about 50 yards from the lake,
was lovely, and I stayed there the next three nights.
This first afternoon involved a reception for the larger donors, and we saw lots of folks Dorothy knew, and a good time was had by all.

Sadie, stop wrinkling your forehead! Your fac...

June 10, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Sadie, stop wrinkling your forehead! Your face will freeze that way! (Just wanted you to know I still remembered my lines, in spite of my lack of practice!)Happy birthday!

In installations, day one of trip involved ge...

June 09, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

In installations, day one of trip involved getting up at 2:00 am, inherently a bad omen. Nonetheless, sleepdriving is possible, and Yayoe and I made it onto our plane just fine. We weren't so lucky at JFK, where we missed our connecting flight, and our next flight was delayed. Nonetheless, both the Avis folks in Pittsburgh were open late, and the hotel I booked in Meadville was most accomadating when I rolled in about a quarter to four. Pennsylvania was at its springtime best, lush and green.

There's a rumor that Sadie is 28 today

June 09, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

There's a rumor that Sadie is 28 today. How could that be?

hi, sweeties, I'm back,safe and sound, gettin...

June 03, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

hi, sweeties, I'm back,safe and sound, getting in at 2:30 last night. I'll post more about the weekend, which was actually very nice. I'm looking forward to watching Emma tomorrow morning. Much love, Mom

Well, Yayoe and I have made it as far as New York

May 28, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Well, Yayoe and I have made it as far as New York. Do you really think we should be allowed out on our own? Much love, Mom

I of course neglected to say anything about S...

May 26, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

I of course neglected to say anything about Seraph, Robbie and Isa and their daily doings. It was very fun to meet their landlady, Arlene, and see the sheep,including Winky and Blinky, saved from an indifferent mother by Isa and the Papillion nurse dog. Their back yard has both sheep and three llamas. It's not far to Penasco, where an old theater has been renovated. The high school kids had written one act plays and were performing them our last night there. The theater share a building with a small restaurant called The Sugar Nymphs, the home of delectable food ala mode of
The Zenon, minus the see-and-be-seen ambiance. Bob and I stayed at the ski resort where Seraph has worked over the winter - a beautiful setting, and we could walk out on the balcony overlooking the river, right up in the treetops.
Very nice people everywhere!

Back in Eugene, safe and sound

May 24, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Back in Eugene, safe and sound. I had to stop my last posting before I was finished. The area around where Seraph, Robbie and Isa are is spectacularly beautiful. About an hour north are high (think 9,000 feet) mountains
which drop abruptly onto a long flat valley. Taos, an old old city, became a haven for artists and writers in the 30's, and is still full of art galleries, shops, etc. The little towns south of Taos are a combination of old families, retirees, and aging hippies. (Think Blachly!)
Pueblos, the SW term for Reservation, are every where, reflecting the different groups of Native Americans living in the area. Seraph, Robbie and Isa had obviously met and charmed the socks off half the population of the area. Honesty compels me to say that the area outside the main tourist spots are poor, a lot like small towns in Oregon which have lost timber jobs. I'll post a bit more later, especially about the sheep! Love from mom

Hi, I'm sitting on a bed in a pine paneled ro...

May 22, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Hi, I'm sitting on a bed in a pine paneled room at the Sipapu ski lodge where Seraph works, while Bob showers and we plan to head into Taos to the county building and work on
zoning issues. We're hoping to meet with their contractor this afternoon. One of the big concerns Bob has is that the
cost of meeting the building codes will be such that there
won't be much money left over for cosmetic stuff. The house
was built in the traditional way, of unfired adobe bricks
covered by a layer of mud/straw/gravel which dries into a plaster. These wouldn't hold up in Oregon, but there's not much rain, and though the winters are snowy, it's a dry powdery snow. (People don't put their firewood in wood ricks they way we do; they just make a big mound of firewood, because in the winter, they can just grab a piece of firewood, shake off the snow, and the wood is dry.)
This house was built over a hundred years ago, without a foundation, so they will have to deal the foundation issue.

We spent a lovely day at Mesa Verde

May 20, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

We spent a lovely day at Mesa Verde. There are hundreds of cliff dwellings, though many of these were grain storage, etc. They cover a huge area. We stayed in the lodge last night. We also saw the beautiful old sandstone houses which had been built by the CCC for the park employees, and the Mission style furniture built for use in the public buildings. We didn't try to take the UHaul up the steep curvy road. It wouldn't have made it; instead, we rented a car in Cortez, the town at the entrance to the park. We're only a couple of hundred miles from Taos, and will meet Seraph and Robbie there tomorrow at four. Bob has done all the driving. Whatta guy! Right now I'm watching the sun rise over the Rocky Mountains. "This is the day which the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
In paring down my life, I realized that I could survive if only Hirons, True Value Hardware, and Canned Food Warehouse existed as consumer outlets. Probably, in a pinch, Shakespeare and the King James version of the Bible would meet my literary needs.

Good morning from Ontario, Oregon

May 17, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Good morning from Ontario, Oregon. This has been a hectic week, mostly for Bob. We finally got a phone call from the planning guys for the city, with some changes they wanted,
on Thursday. Since Darren wanted to get going with the messy stuff, Bob stayed up until 4:00 am redoing plans and finally got permission for the permitl We left for Portland at 4 in the afternoon on Friday, and Robbie and Hanni had the truck packed. We got to Lohring and Jenny's at nine, and got the table and chairs unloaded. By this time Bob was exhausted and grumpy. Lohring and Adam carried down the table and mattress from our house, but it was clear the truck would need to be repacked. Jamie, who is much smarter than I, listened to Bob grouse for about 20 minutes and realized that he really was scared he couldn't do the heavy lifting to repack the truck, and sent Adam over pronto.
They polished off the job and we headed out. A gorgeous day and a beautiful trip.

Happy Friday

May 08, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Happy Friday...the bedroom in the basement is nearly finished. It's been expensive; my worker guy is pretty
fussy, but I really like how it's turned out. It's a possibility that Josh will rent it next year, since David and Kirsten will live in her house after they're married.
It would be fun to have him!
I had a funny conversation with Sadie, which started with her apologizing profusely for not remembering to send a card for Mothers Day. She reminded me that you kids all learned the skill of gently reminding me that the Tooth Fairy forgot to come, as their tooth, still under the pillow, continued to decompose. At that point, I'd say something loving and new age like "Oh, shit!" and the Tooth Fairy would finally stop by. (I think I probably left more money then than market rate, so it evened out!)

News of Dorothy; she apparently got an infect...

May 04, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

News of Dorothy; she apparently got an infection last week, but is being treated with antibiotics, and her condition is stable. Danica is driving down to Meadville tomorrow to
help her celebrate her birthday, and will keep us all posted.

Just a quick hello

April 29, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Just a quick hello. With a lot of help from Seraph and Adam, I've been making arrangements for the trip to England.
Almost all the air arrangements have been made, and I'm looking for hotels in London. Apparently London has dropped from the third most expensive city in the world to the 27th.
Thanks, George Bush!

I've emptied out something in my AVG clean-up...

April 25, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

I've emptied out something in my AVG clean-up program called the "Virus Vault", which is vaguely reminiscent of The Addams Family, and I've been chained to my computer. We are gradually munching our way through all the wonderful leftovers, as I wend my way through tons of paperwork. I can't figure out where all this stuff comes from. Each postal delivery and e-mail check seems to have a life of its own, bringing waves of paper which needs to be tended to.
Easter/Passover was delightful; the grandkids seemed to have a particularly nice time this year. The cooks were most competent, as well, and the table was sparkling as was the conversation. It was hard to say good-bye to everyone!
Thank you all for your help!

Hi, up to Portland tonight to pick up Sadie

April 09, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Hi, up to Portland tonight to pick up Sadie. Happy days!

Hi, fam

April 02, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Hi, fam. Is there anyone who still has clothing, books and toys appropriate for a very bright 2 year old? My worker guy, Richard, and his wife Elizabeth, have a two year old who is Gerber baby cute. We gave them some of Aric and Anna's old toys (big non-"tricky" Legos, for those of you who still remember Sam grappling with the small Legos and Adam reassuring him that those small ones were "tricky".) but my Candyland game is long since gone. Also, he has turned out to be an amazing worker - his dad is some sort of contractor in Peru, and he's doing sheet rock in Adam's old room downstairs. I'm only paying him $10 an hour, and I'm going to raise it next week to $12.

Also, I'm thinking about buying the slum house next door. The house is almost a tear-down, and the owner wants 200K, basically for the lot. However, I'm not sure that I can break even. But it's presently an eyesore, and is disintegrating (it has an oil furnace, and the girl who's one of the tenants said that they hadn't had the heat on since 1999.) The neighbors deputized me to talk to the owner about the condition. I feel like a Republican, trying to clean up in a bad real estate market.


April 01, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Details. We want details.

I talked to Betsy yesterday afternoon

March 28, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

I talked to Betsy yesterday afternoon. After talking with Meggie, and getting some good referrals, she decided to take Bob to the ER (he'd lost ten pounds in as many days).
She said they sat in the ER for six hours, but when Bob finally got medical attention, the decision was made to hospitalize him immediately. The medical staff felt that
his airways were too obstructed to do a broncoscopy, but they were going to try to do a biopsy, and give Betsy and
Bob clearer information. Our thoughts are all going out to them, and I'll keep you all posted.

And look what character the little nippers al...

March 25, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

And look what character the little nippers all have. Or maybe what characters they turned in to. Not quite sure on that one...

Hi, I've got a young computer geek from Peru ...

March 23, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Hi, I've got a young computer geek from Peru fixing up my computer

A quick good morning, after a busy couple of days

March 22, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

A quick good morning, after a busy couple of days. We've been trying to help Aric make some decisions about his return to college, fun but time consuming. Life is, in many ways, sure harder for you young folks than it was for my generation. Much love, Mom

A bright note on this gray spring day

March 20, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

A bright note on this gray spring day. Bob and I took Emma to school, stopping first at our favorite pastry shop. She hopped out of the car, adopted a casual pose, then explained that Sam had been giving her lessons in being cool. One of the first ones was hiding your booster seat so people wouldn't think you were a baby. (I explained the look she was aiming at to a couple of sweet slackers watching her with some bemusement; they assured her she looked very cool, to her blushing delight). Later, when they left, on their way to look cool themselves, one told her to "..stay cool." I do love this goofy town.

This is a tough time for Betsy and her family

March 20, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

This is a tough time for Betsy and her family. Her long time boyfriend, Bob, has a large mass on his lung, and the strong indication is that it's lung cancer. They still have to go in for a bronchoscopy, but if I understand correctly, that really will just tell them how long treatment can postpone what seems to be inevitable. Bob is quite young, I think in his early 50's, so this is a terrible thing. I'll keep the website posted as they have more information. Our thoughts are certainly with them.

Feels like this is a busy time for everyone

March 17, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Feels like this is a busy time for everyone. Remodeling plans move on at a glacial pace. The guy who owns the slum next door came over in response to my request to review a document which needs to be signed for the Planning Department. Hopefully, once that's signed, we can move ahead with the remodel.
I got to be a judge at the law school first year Legal Research and writing last night - something I've done for several years, and which is always fun.
Way too much rain...

Yesterday and today I helped at Bob's, where ...

March 08, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Yesterday and today I helped at Bob's, where there's a change of tenants combined with hauling Anna's stuff down from the storage area above the garage, so she could go through it. I also helped a bit with Lohring and Jenny's move, barely keeping up with Yayoe, though my help was pretty much limited to getting worker guys from Centrolatino and schlepping them around. Anna's trying to whittle down her stuff so that, split between her mom's and my house, there will be room in the Martha Stewart for my share of it. I broke it gently to Sadie that her stuff is going from the basement closet to the attic, with barely
a split second rest in the Martha Stewart room. She took it

An update on your elderly father

March 05, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

An update on your elderly father...I called him early this am to point out that while i wished him a happy birthday, he should remember that he would be as old as I am, at least for a few months. He sounded okay, and planning to pack up his shop equipment. I'll get a couple of guys from Cenntrolatino tomorrow to help both Jenny and Dad.
Anna is here for a week before she leaves for France. She and Bob are trying to clean up the tons of stuff stored in the loft over the garage, and I suspect that will involve
a certain amount of shuffling stuff around. Tomorrow is supposed to be sorting day for Anna as well as moving day for Jenny. I plan to eat many doughnuts to get my strength up. Incidentally, not taking so much heart medication has been wonderful.

A bit of good news on the health front

February 25, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

A bit of good news on the health front. I went in for my annual cardio test, and they told me that my cardiomyopathy
seemed to be stable, and they were quite pleased. I explained that the problem for me was that I had no energy,
and that I was so dismayed that I couldn't garden, carry things, saw down trees, etc., that I'd like to try surgery in a couple more years. (After I get the remodeling done and the stupid family trees finished, and I wouldn't feel guilty if I didn't make it through the surgery. However, Sadie pointed out that the real estate market is in the toilet, and I also should wait until prices go up.) But they don't want to do surgery unless
my tests show lots of growth in the muscle, to the extent it
cuts off blood flow. He did cut back on the meds I take, since my blood pressure is now so low that gangarene is setting in, and I'm clinically dead. Hopefully I'll have more energy, and that faintly putrid smell about me will fade. Ah, boring, boring.

Good morning, mates

February 23, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Good morning, mates. Incidentally, I've had email from cousin John in New South Wales, which wasn't singed around the edges, so I think they've all escaped the fires. Bob and I are going up to Portland to run some big city errands, probably leaving sometime late tomorrow afternoon.
We'll come back on Thursday, or even early on Friday. Anna leaves for three months in France around the middle of March
and will be staying, for free, with a family who wants their two children, about Sam and Emma's ages. to practice their English. Pen pals, kids? I had fun going clothes shopping with Dez last week. Love to all, Mom, La Vieja

The end of a long lousy week

February 14, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

The end of a long lousy week. I was in bed with the flu for most of the week, with occasional fits of feeling good and bustling around. Today I ran around Eugene doing errands.
I have had great long conversations yesterday and this morning,with Seraph and Sadie, and with Jenny, late this afternoon. Everyone is sounding hard working and busy. We're
going to have Adam and the kids over for dinner tomorrow, and then Bob is taking Sam to Swan Lake. I originally suggested Bob because I thought Sam would think it was more manly to see the ballet if a guy took him, but it turns out that Sam is very cool, and likes ballet. The only bad new is that Tippy,one of Anna's kitties, who have been living with Aric and the boys, got a urinary tract obstruction,
and had to be put to sleep. Not a good year for kitties.

What the heck! It's snowing! I better put som...

February 10, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

What the heck! It's snowing! I better put some nice warm blankies on top of my daphne, which are (were?) about to bloom.

Well, the butt-tag issue is resolved

February 05, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Well, the butt-tag issue is resolved. Everyone at Adam's house talked to Sadie on the web-cam. I'd called Sadie earlier and told her that, in lieu of incurring professional fees for a medical opinion from Meggie, or a vet's opinion from Wendy, Emma seemed to feel comfortable with Sadie reassuring her that Mr. Pletcher didn't have his butt-tag, and in fact hasn't had a butt-tag since about 1957, and he's still alive. So with the web cam, Sadie was able to demonstrate that Mr. Pletcher is still alive and
capable of doing bear tricks, even without a butt-tag, and Emma is a happy girl. I suspect Sam is unrepentant.
I had a no-good very-bad day, myself. We were taking the dang toilet to the rental, and I fell on the cement and banged up my knee. Then I came home and stabbed my hand with a knife while I was opening a container of almonds. And
this morning I scratched myself as I was sharpening scissors. Bob said he was going to make me wear soccer pads.
Adam suggested a helmet.

Good morning! Actually, it's noon, since Bob ...

February 04, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Good morning! Actually, it's noon, since Bob was up until 4 this morning doing plans for the sun room remodel. We'll go out to Costco today to try to get their on-sale dual flush toilet and Turbo Tax. I have to jump into taxes, as the guy at the bank needs them. I think I'm going to do a thirty year fixed rate mortgage while interest rates are low.
I took Sam and Emma to the Reptile Kingdom pet shop, where they spent nearly two hours. Emma has managed to charm Dave, the owner, and they fed a turtle and a tortoise (there's apparently a difference, which must be obvious to turtles and tortoise; otherwise there'd be a lot of tortles and turtoise) and looked at every creature in the shop. We then went to McDonald's, where Emma got two little Happy Meal poodles. Emma wanted to cut off their "butt-tags", those little tags that say, inevitably, Made in China. Sam,
with big brotherly glee, told her that her poodles would die if she cut off their butt-tags. Emma wasn't quite sure
whether he was telling the truth, and Meggie, we nearly called during your office hours for a medical opinion. Fortunately, I don't have you programmed into my new cell phone, so I persuaded Emma she needed to consult her Aunt Wendy, who is, after all, a vetrinarian. Ah, real life is way ahead of whatever is in second place.

Finally, the new counters are on, the marmole...

January 29, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Finally, the new counters are on, the marmoleum is down, and the dishwasher is washing away. Darren was over today, and he and Bob went over the drawings to put the laundry room and a half bath in on the sun porch. Darren will put a stacking washer/dryer in the bedroom closet at the Polk Street house and put up a six foot security fence, as well as put a heater in the living room and fix the closet doors.
All this will be spendy, but my hope is to do all this stuff while interest rates are low. Hugs to all, Mom

Happy birthday, Isa! She told me Seraph made ...

January 23, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Happy birthday, Isa! She told me Seraph made her a bundt cake, but of course Bob and I teased her about her Butt Cake. She sounded very grown up when we talked with her.
Bob and I went up to Portland late on Tuesday, as Cousin Ron was having minor surgery. We had a good Lebanese dinner with Anna, who is leaving at the end of February for another three months in France, and stayed the night at Seraph and Robbie's. All well there. Then we picked up Anna and had a quick but delicious breakfast, dropped her off at work, and spent the rest of the day with Ron. On the way home, we got a call from Jenny saying that the other bidder on the house dropped out and the house is theirs. Much excitement!

Well, in rereading my last posting, I realize...

January 07, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Well, in rereading my last posting, I realize what it means that the best laid plans go oft awry. On Sunday afternoon, Jenny was so sick that Sadie went over to her house, loaded with photos to sort. And when we took Sadie to the airport on Tuesday afternoon, she learned that no flights were leaving Denver, so her flight was cancelled. We went back to the airport at 4:30 this morning for a 6 am flight, and she just called saying her flight would leave Denver for Boston just fine.

Tomorrow's the last day of the holidays for u...

January 04, 2009 by Sue in Wielesek

Tomorrow's the last day of the holidays for us, except for Russian Christmas, the day Sadie flies back to the east coast. I'm hoping that Sadie got R and R'd a little. She seemed tired and a bit raggedy when she got here. I think that we're all so used to her getting top grades at top schools that we think she does it effortlessly. Christmas was hectic but fun, with lots of accomodations for snow. Seraph borrowed Jenny's SUV to go up and pick up Robbie and Isa, but it turned out that the snow was so bad in Portland that trains and busses weren't running, so Seraph brought Anna down as well, and they all got in late on the evening of the 23rd. Next morning,Sadie took Isa for a play date with Sam and Emma, and then Robbie, Seraph and Isa were off to Hanni's in the afternoon. Seraph and Isa came back late that night, and Robbie and his mom went on to midnight mass. Seraph, Sadie, Isa and I had a lovely early morning on Christmas Day, with Isa delightfully cheery in spite of her late night. Seraph and Sadie fixed a hearty brunch for 12, with Jenny, Dez and Jordan arriving mid-morning and Adam, Jamie and the kids arriving at noon. We were pleased to have Yayoe and John for brunch; he is a congenial sort.
Adam and Jamie had to cancel their usual Portland trip because the snow was so bad, and they went up on (oooh, can't remember) either Friday or Saturday. In fact, the snow was still so bad in Portland on Christmas that Bob borrowed Jenny's SUV to take Anna back to Portland. We all promised Jenny we would never again tease her about having a big car. They made a family event of the trip, with Deb and Aric going along. Deb and Aric stayed with Chuck and Joann, Deb's brother and sister in law, and Bob stayed at
Anna's over night. They came back the next day, with tales of the city still clogged with snow.
Lohring came over on Christmas afternoon, and took all of us
except Jamie and Emma, who needed a rest, and Hanni and Robbie, who may also have needed a rest, to see "Twilight". The girls had decided Chinese take-out was the appropriate Christmas dinner, which turned out to be a good choice.
Seraph, Robbie and Isa left for Hanni's, Jenny packed up the boys, and Lohring, and the day drew to a close.
Jordan, Dez and Isa got together to go see "Desperaux"
on Saturday morning, and Isa, Emma and Jordan came over for a play date on Monday afternoon, with Jordan and Isa sleeping over. They had a great time dressing up as pioneers and hanging out in Bob's room. I think they were playing "Little House on the Prairie", because they called him "Pa" all afternoon. We met Seraph, Robbie, Hanni and Jenny the next morning at the Glenwood to return kids, and then Seraph, Robbie, Hanni and Isa left for Portland. Sadie
went up to visit them on Thursday, delivering them to the airport on Friday for their trip home. It's now Sunday, and the house is clean enough to see the floor everywhere but the hall! I talked to Robbie this morning, only briefly,as they were on their way to Taos. He said that their flight was fine but the train to Albquerque was crowded. I finally got unlimited long distance on my phone so I can talk to them at home, as they don't have cell phone reception at their house, and have to go out to the road to use cell phones. We're hoping Jenny will be over this afternoon to help Sadie go through more photographs. The guys will start on the kitchen remodel soon.

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