Post Luncheon Relief

September 23, 2010 by Sue in Wielesek

Well, the League of Womens Voter Lunch was for all intents and purposes hitchless. I have a wonderful committee, and they do all the work, while I dither.

Actually, the only hitch is that I gave my car key with the parking meter key to Bob when he went to pick up some LOL (that's Little Old Ladies) and he forgot to give it back. Fortunately, I caught up with him just as I finished the clean-up, so I wasn't really stranded.

I'll miss Destin's game tonight, as it's Symphony. And I'm so sorry to hear Sam is ill.

Much love to all, Sue



A reminder

September 16, 2010 by Sue in Wielesek

Remember, Talk Like a Pirate Day is approaching soon. Festivities on Saturday afternoon at the library, I believe.

In the spirit of the day, Yayoe, if they mess up the surgery, ask for a peg-leg!

We will be thinking good thoughts as the time approaches!

Hard work is Boring

September 14, 2010 by Sue in Wielesek

I promised myself that I could work outside once the house was tidied up and paperwork more or less under control. So last Friday the worker guys dug out one flower bed and I planted a lot of bulbs on Saturday. Today, I gave up on the temporary fixes and had them dig out the up-the-hill neighbor's old broken perf pipe running above the driveway. They lined the bottom with gravel, and will finish up installing the new perf pipe tomorrow. Hopefully there will be a nice layer of topsoil from R&S on top of the whole shebang and I can plant a row of spring flowers.

Last Thursday I went to Dez' football game. They have a great team and it was really fun to watch. Bob's birthday was Sunday, and it was perfect since the Seahawks won on Sunday and the Ducks on Saturday.

I've been doing phone calls for the Kitzhaber campaign on Monday nights.

Hi, y'all

September 07, 2010 by Sue in Wielesek

It was nice to see everybody! Thank you so much, Adam and Joanna, for putting on your monthly potluck.  A special thanks to the "big" cousins for entertaining the "little" cousins.

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