On the train going north to Portland

September 09, 2011 by Sue in Wielesek

On the train going north to Portland. What a great way to travel!

Labor Day Weekend

September 06, 2011 by Sue in Wielesek

We had a lovely weekend - Friends here for dinner on Friday evening, and we went off to watch the Ducks on Saturday night on bigscreen. Glad to have a support group for that experience. Sunday, Dez came over and worked like a trooper out back. It looks much better, though there's a little to finish. Bob, he and I went to see Conan in 3D, quite possibly the worse movie ever made. The funny thing is that I took Adam and Mike Hackett to the first Conan, and thought it was a pretty okay movie. Yesterday I had a real treat. Emma wanted to work and earn some money, so she washed the big car, the Isuzu, and some flowers.

Then, as we had promised ourselves, we went to PF Chang's for a girls' lunch. Emma charms the socks off everyone, and is nice, to boot. I hope we can get the cousins together next summer - what would everyone think about a Yellowstone trip? It would be fun if Josh could come along. We'd have enough adults to help with Duncan and Berry.

I think that everyone's plans for next weekend are coming together.

Love, Mom, gma, Sue


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