Busy Kids, busy us

July 01, 2012 by Sue in Wielesek

Well, the day after everyone left, taking a page from Granny's  book, to keep myself from missing everyone,  I washed sheets, all thoughtfully stripped, and tackled the piles of miscellaneous stuff which had managed to accumulate.

Sadie, bless her heart, went through all her papers, art from third grade, math books from first grade, etc, etc, and winnowed out stuff she did not want to be permanently attached to for the rest of her life. I have a couple of 20% off coupons for it UPS and the books packed in one box to go media mail, so I'll ship it off in the next week or so. I promise I don't have any terrible disease, but I can feel my knees getting a bit arthritic, and if Bob and I move to the little house, we will need to downsize.

Destin came over to help me on Thursday, and we really got a lot of work done. He filled up the window washer on the Honda and Anna's car, lubricated the locks, door joints, etc, and helped me clean out the shed. We dug out the old floor computer to sell or take to the recycle place. I'm going to try to sell my copy machine, which will last for another 20 years but isn't compatible with my new computer.

Adam and I talked a bit more about a trip to France next summer. They would also like to see Hawaii, which feels like a great family trip.

I want to thank those of you who anonomously (okay, I know it's not spelled correctly, but at least I still remember the difference between its and it's.) left me good coffee. I have these mysterious bags of Stumptown and Peets.

I am thinking today about Sadie and Greg moving, and wondering how hot it is there. I'm not sure, but I think Robbie is off to camp for orientation today.

Anyhow, love and hugs to all, from yer old Mom


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