In Washington, DC

November 09, 2014 by Sue in Wielesek

Greg took us to Springfield to catch the train south, so we got to play a bit more with Simon on the way. We had a seven hour trip to DC, but it was comfortable and fun to watch the scenery . It was also interesting to go by train through all the towns and cities. Many tracks go through old parts of town, so although those areas are run down, they show what the town was like in the past.

 It was lovely to have Anna waiting for us at the train. She has a small but very pretty apartment right across from Howard University, so it feels like the University district in Eugene. She also has a knack for interior decorating, and as they used to say, "She has the place fixed up real cute." I can tell how happy Bob is to see her. They are planning some curtain hanging and picture hanging projects.

Meg and Dick are visiting in Washington, and we all arranged to meet at the new apartment of Mekayla and her friend Stephanie, where much moving in, picture hanging, etc was ongoing. Callie and Will were there, and I got to see Baby Nat for the first time. He's nine months old, and except for the age difference, he and Simon are surprisingly alike. Mellow guys. Nat, like Simon, likes everyone he meets, and they both are relaxed and cheerful. Nat looks like Callie around his eyes, but both boys have open, attentive faces.

Leaving Dick and Mekayla to work on furniture repair, the rest of us headed for a walk in Rock Creek Park; this is a beautiful park, originally a big farm. Unfortunately, we just got started down the path, when I caught my foot on some crumbled asphalt and face planted. I got a nose bleed and a couple of scrapes, but doggone it, I was traveling with my family doctor. Meggie's medical skills are justly praised, and she very efficiently figured out that I didn't need to go to the ER. She took me, Bob and Anna to Anna's house and patched me all up. She then very sweetly sat and visited with me for a long time.  Tomorrow, If I'm feeling up to it, we'll go over to Callie and Will's house for breakfast. Missing you all, but having fun seeing all the East Coast fam.


November 09, 2014 by Sue in Wielesek

What a wonderful time we had in Massachusetts! Bob kept fantasizing how we could get Seraph and Robbie to move there and rent a room in their house. Or rent a pied a terre in Greenfield.
Obviously he was quite smitten with Simon, as am I. It made me wish I had been a stay at home Mom, or at least a stay at home Grandma.

It was really interesting to watch  him learn new stuff. At the beginning of the visit, he could reach for things by sort of flailing his arms in the general direction of the object, but by the end he had learned to co-ordinate both hands to grab something.  Also, when we got there, he had one noise, a lovely little "coo coo" but the day before we left, he began a new sentence. He repeated, for nearly an entire day, a sound which made him sound like a small engine with creaky gears. Best of all, the night before we left he only woke up once, around midnight, to eat.

So we really had fun, not just with Simon, but with Sadie and Greg. They are excellent parents, and Simon is the most good natured kid. I said I have only perfect  grandchildren, and it's true.

I'm going to post this, then post a follow up, since I'd lost a draft.

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