Hi There, It's May already

May 03, 2001 by Lohring in Lohring

Hi There,
It's May already. Wow. The year is almost half gone! Just a quick reminder that we will be off to Meadville May 23-28th. Sadie will be meeting us at the Cleveland airport and flying back with us if Sue can coordinate her flights with our plans.

We talked to Dorothy yesterday to wish her a happy birthday. (May 5th). She is doing well and keeping busy. She and the Eskinds had a great time in NY over spring break. She is busy preparing for Franklin's memorial service. Lohring is off to Olympia this weekend for more boat stuff. All else is fine. My painting will go on display at the PRN Art Gallery at PeaceHealth Medical group on May 4th. They will be there for 2 months. Wish me luck in selling cards....my new business, which is now a product of B&M Manufacturing!

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