Hi There, So here it is September already! I...

September 18, 2003 by Lohring in Lohring

Hi There,
So here it is September already! I can't believe we last posted in May. Scheesh. So much has happened since then.So many losses of loved ones, etc. When I wake up in the morning I say a little prayer of thanks to the universe for still being here and of course I also ask that I will find just the right piece of junk at Good Will for 99 cents or less!

We're heading east (October 15-22nd) to help Dorothy move into her new house. It close to being done and she's very excited about it. Her new address is 893 Annesley Circle, Meadville 16335. Phone is 814-332-9096. She doesn't use her P.O. box so please address all correspondence to the new address. Danica is back at work! She's doing arts administration and managing a large dance company in Rochester! Andy is looking for work and Ben is back in school doing his music.

Lohring's work schedule has changed again. He will be working a Monday/Tuesday schedule with some Wednesdays thrown in as needed. He seems content with this for now. The racing season is almost over but does that mean he will be home more? Not sure? Stay tuned!

In November I'm off to California to celebrate another reunion of my junior high school friends who are now 60! We're planning 4 days of fun, hiking, shopping and sight seeing along the Santa Cruz/Monterey coast. It's really weird saying that I met these friends 50+ years ago. None of us feel 60 but then again it's hard to know what 60 feels like. By the way, none of these gals like to go junking (they don't even wear used clothing!) so I guess I have to forego looking for a second hand junk store in Carmel. Sigh. I'll live through my disappointment.

My fall project is having the kitchen painted! Hold on to your hats because I'm choosing a pallet of sage green colors. We also squeezed out our last water bed and went to a conventional bed after a major leak occured about a month ago. It's sure weird not sloshing around at night.

Good newz: I heard from Josh. His inlaws have been helping to finish the house which should go on the market in the spring. The house has 4 bedrooms, heat, real bathrooms and all the ammenities! He and Jody are off to Hawaii in October to see if they want to settle there. Sayer is back in school and he's studying to be an accountant! He likes numbers! Sasha is working as an oncology nurse at OSHU! They're doing very well! So enough for now....

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