The Lego case lives! Sam was up late last ni...

November 12, 2000 by Adam in Adam's Projects

The Lego case lives! Sam was up late last night, so I was puttering around before going to bed. I decided to clean out my closets, most of which consisted of marginal computer hardware. Several months ago, I had tried to convert my brother-in-law's old Packard Bell into a custom Lego case. It worked great, until it mysteriously died. Well, I decided to give it one more chance and it came to life! It's still early in the rebuilding process, but if all goes well, the Lego case will return in all its glory.

Hey - I got a new webcam! This time, it real...

November 05, 2000 by Adam in Adam's Projects

Hey - I got a new webcam! This time, it really works (unlike the D-Link, which doesn't seem to work with my D-Link board). I also picked up a digital camera for real cheap. Hopefully, I can set it up so that we can have a virtual Sadie for Thanksgiving this year. She can eat her dorm Thanksgiving turkey and we'll move the webcam into the living room. Should be quite amusing.

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