I think the case modification madness is fina...

September 29, 2000 by Adam in Adam's Projects

I think the case modification madness is finally over. I wrote up a little piece on the experience. I think the moral of the story is to stick to pre-fab cases whenever possible. I just don't have the time for what it takes to customize a case and do a great job.

On the up side, DSL has been working great for me. The amount of things you can do with it is phenomenal. For those with high-bandwidth connections and an enjoyment of Matrix-like gunfights, I highly recommend The Killer Bean 2. Another good site is Ad Critic.

The dream machine is complete

September 03, 2000 by Adam in Adam's Projects

The dream machine is complete. Both switches work now - one is hooked up to the rear fan. The other goes to the blue neon light.

I'm embarrased to say that I can't stop. I have the addiction. The next step involves taking my sister's old Packard Bell and a couple tubs of Legos to build a firewall (assuming I get cable some day).

The first few steps went poorly. I glued together some remaining sheets of Lucite (clear plastic). I decided that an entire case made out of it would provide no RF blockage as well as some poor heat dissipation/grouding. So, it's off to Home Depot to buy sheet metal, tin snips, and some brackets.

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