I got a bonus at work and took some of that t...

October 03, 2007 by Adam in Adam's Projects

I got a bonus at work and took some of that to upgrade the various computers in the house. All the parts arrived last night, and I promptly disassembled my computer and replaced the guts with stuff from cardboard boxes. Amazingly enough, everything turned on with my first attempt and after all the drivers were installed, most everything worked. The exceptions were the CD-ROM drives and the second hard drive. I just fixed the CD-ROM drives this morning and will eventually get around to the second hard drive. I hardly use the thing as my first has so much drive space.

In terms of the performance, I'm pretty happy. Things that took awhile are now quite snappy. I had to test out Bioshock at the highest resolution and it was a smooth as silk.

My computer died hard late last week

February 19, 2007 by Adam in Adam's Projects

My computer died hard late last week. For a long time now, it's booted up extremely slowly. Sometimes it would take forever and other times it was pretty quick. Finally, it wouldn't come up at all.

Fortunately I had bought a new hard drive recently and moved a bunch of old things onto it. I ended up purging lots of things I didn't need, consolidating it on one drive, and then reinstalling XP onto the new drive. Though it took awhile and I still have a few things I need to install, it actually seems to be working again. Boot up times are less than a minute and everything seems running smoothly.

I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe it was software or maybe the hard drive was failing. In any case, I think I can keep this computer running for another year or so before I hunker down and buy a new one.

I did a bit of housekeeping for the site today

January 28, 2007 by Adam in Adam's Projects

I did a bit of housekeeping for the site today. I put together an rss feed for the site. That means that crazy people who want to get instant updates to this site can get it by using an RSS reader.

I also added a simple search box to the home page, something I hadn't gotten around to for the last eight years since I made this clunky thing. It's sort of fun searching for odd phrases like "monkey" or "weasel" and seeing what comes up.

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