3D Printing Fun
February 24, 2022 by Adam in Adam's Projects
After using my Prusa Mini+ to 3D print a wide variety of practical things, I turned to printing a bunch of less practical things, including this boat that I hope to use in an upcoming D&D session. It's by far my biggest print and has taken a couple weeks to get all the pieces printed out. It's made out of a wood-based PLA filament, so my hope is I can stain it to make it pretty. It's silly fun, and though I'm having problems pulling together the old D&D group, putting it together has been very entertaining.
Garage Update
January 05, 2022 by Adam in Adam's Projects
I've spent the last three days off working on the garage. It makes me long for my cushy desk job.
I'd been long complaining about how disorganized and dirty the garage is, so it's deeply satisfying to do something about it. I moved various things out so I could paint the drywall, which had been unfinished ever since the play room was put in nearly twenty years ago. I went with a nice flat white, which turned out relatively well, then rearranged everything in hopes of making better use of the space. So far I'm happy with the results, though I have a lot to organize and put away in a more logical fashion. I've also been 3D printing various things to help, such as battery and chainsaw mounts for the wall. This resulted in my first serious failure printing something - the chainsaw mount decided to push the printing plate away and make a spaghetti-like ball of filament somewhere in the middle of the night. It seem somehow appropriate.

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