UKEtoberfest is happening this weekend! This ...

October 16, 2008 by Yayoe in Yayoe

UKEtoberfest is happening this weekend! This Friday there will be a uke concerts at Cosmic Pizza at 7:30 and on Saturday, all kinds of uke classes including Insta-uke for $5(we provide the the ukes) and another fabulous 7:30 PM concert at Agate Hall (the old Condon School). If interested in what's happening go to to see the schedule.

It should be fun...I'll be working there, taking classes during the day and participating in a group singing gig with the Marmalukes at Cosmic Pizza. Come on are welcome!


September 10, 2008 by Yayoe in Yayoe

EUGENE CELEBRATION THIS SATURDAY! HI There...I'll be marching with the Iron Mango Orchestra (ukuleles) at the parade..playing Hawaiian songs..Look for our float....we're #67 in the line up....No throwing of tomatoes etc for being out of tune..

I'll be wearing my big wide Panama hat and wearing thermo underwear under my Aloha shirt..Aloha.....

Medicare celebration and Lohring's 65th birth...

February 28, 2008 by Yayoe in Yayoe

Medicare celebration and Lohring's 65th birthday reminder. It's Saturday, March 8 at Rolling Rapids Pizza formerly known as's on Franklin Blvd but at the Glenwood end of Franklin. We'll see you at NOON..I reserved a table under Lohring's name. I'm buying the pizzas so think about what kind you want to eat. See you on the 8th.

It's Honolulu in the "winter" time

January 05, 2008 by Yayoe in Yayoe

It's Honolulu in the "winter" time...which means it cool but muggy in the morning and raining. The days have been perfect with bright sun and breezes. My friends are wearing long sleeve shirts and flannel nightgowns!Weird huh. I'm glad I brought a sweater and a fleece jacket to keep me warm in the mornings. Little Rob is as cute as ever..he's trying to walk at 8 months and yesterday I taught him how to drink from a cup! He had his first sip of water! Amazing huh. The papayas as so lucious that I've gone crazy eating them. I may be orange by the time I get back. Aloha for now!

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