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December 10, 2013 by Yayoe in Yayoe


November 26, 2013 by Yayoe in Yayoe

Sadie is 31 today

June 09, 2013 by Yayoe in Yayoe

SADIE is 31 today

June 09, 2013 by Yayoe in Yayoe

Shiny hip

May 10, 2013 by Yayoe in Yayoe

Hi family. It's a done. My My new hip has joined my other hip in keeping me up right and supported. I'm feeling very well and looking forward to starting PT tomorrow. Thanks for your support and caring. If all goes well I'll be home on Sunday afternoon.

New joint coming to town!

March 29, 2013 by Yayoe in Yayoe

HI There,

I'm getting a new left hip joint on May 10th! It will be shiny and new and then I can run, jump, climb K-2 without using a cane and look forward to another 75,000 miles on my bionic parts. The last time I did this was almost 3 years ago in October. 

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