Benny Half Birthday

October 16, 2017 by Adam in Yvonne

Joanna is always pretty good about throwing together a half birthday bash.  There were goodies for everyone and a series of art supplies for the half birthday kid.

Canoe Island

September 17, 2017 by Adam in Yvonne

Berry and Joanna have returned from Canoe Island, where all 5th graders of Charlemagne go.  It's one of the few French camps, built back in 1969 on an island off the coast of Washington.  Though Berry had mixed feelings about it, there were moments when Joanna reported they had a great time.  There was fencing, swimming, theater, paddle boarding, canoing through bioluminescent algae, and singing the American, French, and Canadian national anthem twice a day as they raised and lowered the flags.  They slept in tipis and ate French food.  Lots of pictures were taken.

Both Joanna and Berry are worn out and mostly just took it easy today.  It's nice having them back.


June 01, 2017 by Adam in Yvonne

Berry lost two more teeth, one last night and one this morning.  She was able to eat breakfast this morning, so I think the rest are still fine.  It's funny watching little Berry growing up, not so little any more.


April 17, 2017 by Adam in Yvonne

Berry turned ten.

 It made for a long day of various birthday events, from laser tag at Putter's to a family dinner where she ate Tasty Thai and opened huge volumes of presents.  Her dad got her a life-sized dog, which occupies a sizeable portion of her room.

It's hard to believe how long it's been since I met Berry at two.  She's much more of a real person, generally sweet and kind.  We all love her.


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