Minecraft at Mopop
November 12, 2019 by Adam in Duncan
Duncan's video editing continues to impress. He threw together a little video of his Minecraft exhibit visit in Seattle while coming back on the train.
First Day of School
September 05, 2019 by Adam in Duncan
Duncan started his first day of school yesterday, heading to South with his friend Josh. I grilled him when he came home and he generally seemed to like his classes. He said his French classes aren't going to have much homework and he liked his Geography teacher. He was also missing a fifth period elective, and there were so many kids in the same boat that they created a Computer Fundamentals class for them all. I think he wants to do video editing.
14 Year Old
July 21, 2019 by Adam in Duncan
Duncan turned 14 today. We were all remarking on how big he seemed and that he starts high school in the fall. After breakfast we made him open various presents - mostly cool t-shirts and various forms of cash that he turned into video editing software.
Around four the horde of teenage boys started to arrive. They ran around the basement, talking loudly, went to the park, ate pizza outside, and now are downstairs playing Monsters Seeking Monsters, a monster dating video game.
That's our boy.
Graduated from Middle School
June 18, 2019 by Adam in Duncan
Duncan had his Roosevelt promotion ceremony tonight. Joanna, Emma, and I went down with all the kids looking sharp. We happened to sit behind Jason and Bridget, along with BJ and her mom. It was cool seeing familiar faces.
As for our goofy boy, he was easy to spot with his rainbow hair and wore an Infinity Gauntlet oven mitt, getting a handshake from the principal who probably shouldn't have encouraged him.
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