Bioshock 2

November 25, 2013 by Adam in Adam's Games

Occasionally I go through my really old game collection.  It turns out Bioshock 2 had some free DLC, and I'd never finished it.  It turned out to be pretty good, returning to the underwater city of Rapture and going through some quirky storyline.  Playing as a "Big Daddy" who had to take care of "Little Sisters", it made for an unusual parenting experience.

I'll probably go back to my old game collection and see if I can finish up a few more things before the next batch of games arrive.  I still have Swapper, an unusual puzzle game, and one of the earlier Kickstarter games Sam and I backed has come out in beta.  The name is Planetary Annihilation, with the best part being that you can crash planets into each other.  I haven't quite managed to pull it off yet - most of my AI battles end with a final nuclear exchange.

Brutal Legend and Scribblenauts Unlimited

November 13, 2013 by Adam in Adam's Games

I've been hopping around different games these last few weeks.  Few have gotten my full attention as of late.  I finished Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, which was great.  I messed around for a long while with Terraria, building up my little base and acquiring even more awesome loot.  Duncan and Emma would occasionally join me, if only to ask for cool Halloween costumes.

This last weekend I played a little more Brutal Legend.  I'm not sure it's all that great, but I love the humor and style.  Any world based on 80's heavy metal starring Jack Black is unique.

I also had a good time playing Scribblenauts Unlimited.  Basically any word you type appears in the game - from Cthulu to a black hole to an invisibility cloak.  I had a hungry alligator and so I typed "baby" and dragged it on the alligator.  Unfortunately the baby started riding the alligator, so I clicked on the baby and chose "dismount".  The alligator promptly ate the baby and I scored a point.

The game suggests a hint for giving a person in the game something to make them happy or solve their problem.  A little girl was crying and wanted something to make her feel better.  I gave her morphine and scored another point.

Fun game.

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