Happy Birthday Sam! And thank you to everyone...
November 27, 2000 by Jamie in Sam
Happy Birthday Sam! And thank you to everyone who joined us in our celebration. We are a very lucky family.
Sam woke up at 2 am this morning, got out of ...
November 24, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Sam woke up at 2 am this morning, got out of bed, opened the door, and went into our room. He told Jamie "Mom, I want to sleep in your bed" and crawled right in.
Sam had a great time at our recent Nebraska trip. The airplane ride was fun, the snow was great, and there were lots of people and toys to play with. In this picture, he's playing with a top in the basement of the Nebraska relatives' house.
Sam's sleep schedule has been crazy the last ...
November 11, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Sam's sleep schedule has been crazy the last few days. Today, he fell asleep in the stroller as Jamie and Sam came back from the park. I held Sam on my lap as I upgraded my computer's BIOS and graphics cards drivers.
Last night, Sam wouldn't go to sleep at 9 pm like the rest of us. Instead he wanted to wear his "pirate hat" and play downstairs. Sigh.
We were at Jamie's brothers' house the other ...
November 07, 2000 by Adam in Sam
We were at Jamie's brothers' house the other day when I said something to make fun of them. Sam immediately repeated it, and I made him say it again for the web site. Listen to it here.
Sam's been pretty disappointed in the selecti...
November 04, 2000 by Adam in Sam
Sam's been pretty disappointed in the selection of bath toys as of late. Last night, he played with all of his existing ones, but none lasted more than 30 seconds or so. We went over to Toys-R-Us and picked up some MegaBlocks boats. As soon as we got home, he went straight to the sink to play with it. Ah, to be young again.
I was looking at my network folder at work an...
November 02, 2000 by Adam in Sam
I was looking at my network folder at work and ran across some scanned images of Sam's ultrasounds. This photo is one where the ultrasound technician was pretty sure that our gurgling fetus was a boy. She was so excited that she showed the photo to all the staff and they had a good laugh.
You can see the full images here, here, and here.
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Sam's first words
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Shoes: size 11 Pants: 32 waist, 34 length Shirts: Men's medium