I took Sam swimming the other night and we we...
November 30, 2001 by Adam in Sam
I took Sam swimming the other night and we were changing in the locker room. He was quite impressed with the urinals and asked, "Why do people sometimes pee on the wall?"
A couple nights ago, Sam woke up in the middl...
November 14, 2001 by Adam in Sam
A couple nights ago, Sam woke up in the middle of the night saying, "Mom, turn off Pajama Sam." Evidently he was having a dream about Pajama Sam, except there were monsters with one big eye. I suppose it's better than the dream where Darth Maul came into the house and was watching everyone while they slept.
I was pretending to be a robot and Sam was co...
November 14, 2001 by Adam in Sam
I was pretending to be a robot and Sam was controlling me with an old computer joystick.
Dad: "Who do you like more, the real dad or the robot dad?"
Sam: "The robot dad, because he does whatever I want him to do."
I figured out how to get Sam to do math
November 06, 2001 by Adam in Sam
I figured out how to get Sam to do math. I asked him, "If there were 4 tie fighters and the Millenium Falcon blew up two, how many tie fighters would be left?"
Sam (after thinking a bit): "Two."
Sam wanted my attention so he called, "come d...
November 03, 2001 by Adam in Sam
Sam wanted my attention so he called, "come down here, old man!" "Old man?" I asked. "Yeah, because you and mom are old."
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