Four years ago today, we were all gathered at...

November 26, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Four years ago today, we were all gathered at the hospital on Thanskgiving day, waiting for Sam to be born. He's well aware of his birthday, and all that entails. He was having a conversation with Jamie yesterday:

Sam: "I'm excited about turning four!"
Jamie: "What do you get to do when you're four?"
Sam: (thinking a bit) "I get to go to sleep by myself?"
Jamie: "Yep, that's true."
Sam: "Well, I'm excited about that!"

For months, he's been wanting a Han Solo Lego to make up for the one that was lost a couple years ago. So, I ordered one special from the Lego company, printed out some Han Solo wrapping paper, and it's all ready for him to open tonight.

I think tonight will be the first of several birthday events, with another on Thanksgiving and a third the Sunday after Thanksgiving. He'll be well sugared and gifted when next week rolls around.

Jamie reported a discussion she had with Sam ...

November 22, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Jamie reported a discussion she had with Sam the other day. I'm going to paraphrase a bit, as it's hard to remember it all.

Sam: "Mom, I don't want to ever die."
Jamie: "It's not going to happen for a long time."
Sam: "But when I get really old, I'll die."
Jamie: "Well, that's right, Sam."
Sam: "But superheroes never die."

He seems so young to confront his own mortality. Sam does seem to bring it up every once in awhile. I've been treating it as an opportunity to talk about how he should be careful and take care of his body. I suppose it's like being afraid of the dark. It's there, you can't do much about it, and so it becomes a familiar thing as you get older.

Sam's been in a pretty good mood these last f...

November 17, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been in a pretty good mood these last few days. We've had to start up the antibiotic eye drops again, as the eye goop returned to haunt us. He's not a big fan of them, so it's hard to do it.

It's been hard to get him exercise while the weather is so dreary. Plus Sam usually wants to play games on the computer. Today we stopped our Lord of the Rings movie fest to run outside in the rain. I think it amused our neighbors to see me in my rain jacket and Sam getting soaked to the bones.

Poor Sam seems to have an eye infection of so...

November 08, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Poor Sam seems to have an eye infection of some kind. He seemed fine, then when it was dinner time, he seemed especially whiny. Once he got up to the table, Jamie noticed an exceptional amount of mucus in his eyes. We've been giving him Tylenol, keeping them clear, and will watch him over night. He seems okay now, but we're keeping an eye on him.

Sam's discovered Morrowind, a computer game I...

November 05, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's discovered Morrowind, a computer game I've had for quite a while now. He likes to get his character in cool outfits and explore the landscape.

Last night, I was finishing up dinner and he wanted to play. So, he went downstairs, started a new game, typed in his character's name, and kept clicking on things until he made it through the character creation process. When I came down to help him out, he'd stolen almost everything from the starting location, from the dining room plates to the candle holders.

Sam's been into riddles and jokes lately

November 03, 2002 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been into riddles and jokes lately. He told one while we were out the library: "What room has no roof, no walls, no floor, and no door? A mushroom!"

Well, he was trying out new ones last night in the bath and said: "What's flesh colored, cute, and little?" I guessed him and he enthusiastically said, "Yep!"

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