Sam called me at work yesterday afternoon, te...
April 17, 2003 by Adam in Sam
Sam called me at work yesterday afternoon, telling me to come home at once.
"Where's mom?" I asked.
"Upstairs sleeping."
"And you've just been playing by yourself?"
"No. I've been going in and waking up mom. That's entertaining."
Needless to say, I came home. Jamie was no longer asleep, but she promptly went back to bed when I arrived.
Sam's started to get into reading and writing...
April 14, 2003 by Adam in Sam
Sam's started to get into reading and writing these last few weeks. He spelled out "CAT" on the chalkboard the other day. Also, when playing Neverwinter Nights together, he had his character say "HLO" to me. While not spelled out perfectly, I was amazed that he could: 1) figure out how to send a message in the game, 2) figure out how to spell HELLO reasonably well, and 3) find all the keys on the keyboard. It's pretty neat watching him grow up.
Sam recently watched Jumanji and expressed an...
April 08, 2003 by Adam in Sam
Sam recently watched Jumanji and expressed an interest in Kirsten Dunst, who played the girl in the movie. He evidently said that he "likes" her and that he had a dream about her later. I think he prefers the girl version, as she's in Spiderman, though she's not as interesting to him there.
Sam's been pretty fun to be around these days. He's started playing by himself more, often with various figures that he has (knights, pirates, or Legos). We also have been trying out Emma's new carseat, putting Sam's doll (also called Emma) in it to try it out.
Sam had his knights out, but the game evidently wasn't interesting enough. He began to unbuckle Emma, calling out "the monster awakens." There was then a huge battle between his doll and the knights, until they appeased the beast with a giant bottle.
We were having dinner the other day, talking ...
April 01, 2003 by Adam in Sam
We were having dinner the other day, talking along as we ususally do and Sam said, "Dad, are you being sarcastic?" Cracked me up.
Last night, we were playing an older game of mine called Rune, which involves much fighting. Sam asked, "Is this game for children?" I responded that it wasn't and he said, "But I'm a children." I then acted surprised and announced that we should stop playing immediately. He then backtracked and told me that he was really big enough. Funny kid.
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