June 29, 2003 by Adam in Sam
Sam is the luckiest boy ever. Yesterday, Jamie went to visit Angie and it turns out that a coworker was getting rid of all his Star Wars Legos. Angie found out and an arrangement was made. Sam came home to find a huge number of Legos awaiting him. He played with them most of last night and is fiddling around with them this morning. We've realized just how big and mature Sam is now that Emma's around. He's basically self-sufficient at this point, dressing himself in the morning and getting snacks when appropriate. We're very lucky.
June 05, 2003 by Adam in Sam
Sam adores Emma. "I didn't think that Emma would be so cool," he told me the other day. Sam will often go up to her, pat her head, talk to her, or sing her little songs. It's a bit of a surprise to Jamie and I, but a pleasant one at that. Having Sam's help with things is quite nice. We haven't really had to warn him much about Emma's fragility. He's already very gentle with her. Sam tells Emma he loves her all the time.
Samatopia.com Splugger's YouTube
Sam's first words Current Stats:
Shoes: size 11Pants: 32 waist, 34 lengthShirts: Men's medium