Jamie called to report that Sam was a genius
July 31, 2003 by Adam in Sam
Jamie called to report that Sam was a genius. She was talking about "web of life" things, such as the spiders eating the bugs and the bugs eating tomatoes. When they got to "What do tomatoes eat," they were a bit stumped. "Water and light," Jamie said, "but what eats light?"
Sam thought hard about this one, "Space!" There was then a long discussion of the sun and space and all that.
"But what eats water?" Jamie then asked. "Electricity!" said Sam, "because when you put electricity through water, it creates oxygen and hydrogen."
After that, Jamie had to call.
A couple days ago, I arrived at home, sweaty ...
July 30, 2003 by Adam in Sam
A couple days ago, I arrived at home, sweaty from my bike ride. Sam announced that the upstairs had been trapped and I had to come at once. He had layed out various pipe cleaners and foam animals that were some sort of traps, but he'd also strung across the kitchen some plastic-coated wire that he announced was his tripwire.
Within about 10 minutes, he came zipping around the corner into the kitchen, completely forgetting about the tripwire he had previously set up. He landed with a loud smack, looking vaguely confused and embarrassed. We decided that trapping your own house wasn't such a good idea.
It was also so hot last night that he and I shared the upstairs bed next to the air conditioning. That boy seems to rotate throughout the night, with his feet ending up kicking my ribs half the time. I was up every hour or two to rotate him back.
Sam and I sometimes do the oddest things
July 20, 2003 by Adam in Sam
Sam and I sometimes do the oddest things. I try really hard to engage him when I'm able. These days, it's hard for me to find the time to play with him as much as I used to. This weekend, I actually had an hour or two when Jamie was watching Emma and I could dedicate some moments completely for Sam.
We had tried a bunch of various games and he was starting to get bored. Jamie found some pictures of the children who had lived here previously, lost at the bottom of the closet. She showed them to us and threw them out, but I realized the opportunity.
I fished them out of the garbage and turned them into "orcs" and "warriors", giving them each tiny paper weapons. Sam and I battled it out on the kitchen table, constructing towers and such to compliment the little characters. I think it was worth nearly an hour of entertainment. Hopefully the previous owners don't think me too uncaring.
Sam and Emma get along reasonably well
July 10, 2003 by Adam in Sam
Sam and Emma get along reasonably well. Basically, Sam wants to fiddle with her until she makes funny faces and then cries. Usually he's pretty gentle with her, but sometimes she's just in a sensitive mood.
I also try to incorporate them both into the games we play. Sam's latest favorite is that Emma has "toe guns" and she tries to shoot at him while he dodges about. When we did laundry the other day, the baskets became our "pods" and we flew about.
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