Though watching Emma is like watching a puppy...
April 27, 2004 by Adam in Sam
Though watching Emma is like watching a puppy furiously grow for the first few months, Sam does indeed continue to get bigger himself. His command of the English language is most remarkable, using all sorts of phrases and expressions in his daily conversations. Sam also tries quite hard to be funny and will often leave Jamie and I in stitches. In only a few short more months, he'll be off to kingergarden and the house will be a bit quieter during the day.
Sam continues to have a love of playing pretend. More often than I can count I've been pressed into the role of a starship captain or swashbuckler. The hammock in our back yard does double duty as a pirate ship and a space ship. Legos are occasionally played with as well, though not as much as of late. He's also fond of computer games and movies. Surprisingly enough, Sam and Emma get along pretty well and he'll often seek her out to play with her. Hopefully that'll continue in the future.
Sam made up a poem today:
One, and two, and ...
April 04, 2004 by Adam in Sam
Sam made up a poem today:
One, and two, and three, and four,
Five, and six, and seven, and more.
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Shoes: size 11 Pants: 32 waist, 34 length Shirts: Men's medium