Sam seems to heal just as fast as he collects...

July 30, 2004 by Adam in Sam

Sam seems to heal just as fast as he collects scrapes and bruises. It seems hard to keep up with him these days, both mentally and physically. He's always scurrying off to work on some project or another. The stories he comes up with and wants me to play along with are fascinating at times. The other night we were woolly mammoths, brought back from the dead after being frozen in the ice for ages.

Only a couple more months until he starts kindergarden. Tomorrow he's going to visit his preschool teacher's farm, which is usually a fun adventure.

Sam's been feeling lousy for the last few days

July 22, 2004 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been feeling lousy for the last few days. He hurt the inside of his mouth last weekend while doing "cool moves" and bonking his face on the couch. Unfortunately it means that it's hard to eat solid food, brush his teeth, and the like.

We're keeping an eye on it, but hopefully it'll heal up by itself. He just seems so skinny that I worry when he doesn't eat much for a few days.

Sam and I occasionally have strange, funny co...

July 11, 2004 by Adam in Sam

Sam and I occasionally have strange, funny conversations. We were talking about a show where a little girl had to drive the dad's truck to go for help after he broke his legs. I was explaining how kids usually thought that having something happen to their parents was the worst thing that could happen.

"Well," said Sam. "I think ghosts are scarier." "Oh really?" I responded. "Would you rather have a ghost say Boo or have me dissolved in a vat of acid?" "I'd rather see you dissolved in acid," Sam replied.

After I complained, he told me "Well, I'd still have mom!" After I laughed even harder he added kindly, "Anyway, I'd take your brain and stick it in a robot body."

I came home yesterday to find Jamie and Sam p...

July 02, 2004 by Adam in Sam

I came home yesterday to find Jamie and Sam playing with Dominoes. Sam had made up a brand new game dubbed "Sam-inoes". It was actually pretty good and Sam and I played a few rounds, adding rules as we went. Jamie was extremely proud of him, having offered no help in his game-making endeavor.

He keeps getting taller every week. He can now walk around the shallow end of the pool with his head completely out of the water. It's always amazing to watch them sprout up so quickly.

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Splugger's YouTube

Sam's first words

Current Stats:

Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium