Sam's been taking swimming lessons at Amazon park

August 18, 2005 by Adam in Sam

Sam's been taking swimming lessons at Amazon park. This time he's in the Flipper's class, which takes place in the big pool. Yesterday he went off the diving board all by himself, swimming to the side when he was done. At this point, he can basically swim from place to place, though his repertoire of techniques is fairly small. We're all very proud of him.

He's also got another loose tooth that's almost ready to go. Last night we estimated the value of his mouth at $18 for the going rate for teeth these days. Gotta milk the Tooth Fairy for as much as you can.

Sam's also been playing Sims 2 quite a bit lately. Before he was mostly into building and making people, but since his reading skills have improved, he can actually play the game a bit. Sure his Sims are miserable on occasion as Sam forgets to have them eat, sleep, or shower, but on the whole they're doing fairly good.

The funniest part was when he asked me "Dad, where's the button to make them have babies?" I didn't realize the birds and the bees talk would happen quite this way.

Sam has discovered a new game

August 14, 2005 by Adam in Sam

Sam has discovered a new game. Yesterday he drew a simple maze and I made car engine noises as I moved my finger through it. Soon enough the mazes became elaborate, with jumps, flames, and ice patches, and I was to drive my finger-based "car" through it successfully. He enjoys it immensely, though it does admittedly produce a ton of paper with his various scribbles.

Today he took another approach, turning it into a video game based around a warrior vampire, fighting for good. The puzzles and fights became more complex and he spent nearly an hour just drawing the guy's armor.

Strangely enough, he walked outside, blood dripping from his face, and announced that he'd gotten a nose bleed. We're used to them by now, so we promptly lept into clean-up action. I did have to point out the irony about the blood and the vampire thing. He only thought it was mildly amusing.

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Current Stats:

Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium