Sam started soccer practice again, a long tra...
August 30, 2006 by Adam in Sam
Sam started soccer practice again, a long tradition of young boys running about and kicking balls. It was a fairly light turnout last night, so they may end up combining us with another school. Regardless, Sam had a good time and is especially excited about the prospect of finally keeping score.
Sam's reading has also improved incredibly, especially his motivation to read. I've been getting him "level 2" books from the library, which he quickly reads through. Now he's on Tintin, and just finished his first one last night. When I got home, he wanted to read more than playing with me or the computer, which is probably a good sign.
Sam had his first day of Pirate/Rainforest ca...
August 15, 2006 by Adam in Sam
Sam had his first day of Pirate/Rainforest camp yesterday. It's a quirky combination, but evidently they had to merge a couple of the camps. So far it seems like a pretty traditional camp with assorted activities. He played Sharks and Minnows, made a couple pirate-themed crafts (I was sworn to secrecy about them), and did a bit of drawing. His friends Jake and John were there, which made it extra fun for him.
I was secretly hoping for a peg-leg or a jug of grog, but I suppose lawsuits have made such things less common with modern camps.
Sam triumphed over dentistry last night
August 09, 2006 by Adam in Sam
Sam triumphed over dentistry last night. He's been nursing a loose tooth this last week, avoiding crunchy food and making funny drooling faces. He finally yanked it out himself, watching the carnage in a mirror. We waited until after he fell asleep to do the Tooth Fairy switcharoo.
We had a surreal and funny moment last night
August 05, 2006 by Adam in Sam
We had a surreal and funny moment last night. I took the kids swimming and Sam explained how he couldn't say words that started with the letter F due to it wiggling his loose tooth. "Don't say the F-word," I joked. It quickly devolved into a game where I tried to make him say words that begin with the letter F. "How old will Emma be next year?"
Well, later that evening, the topic was brought up again. Soon enough, the real F-word was flying around. Jamie was saying the F-word, Sam was saying the F-word, and Emma was eating her lasagna and trying hard not to fall asleep.
We talked about bad words and what exactly makes a word bad. Sam tentatively threw out the fact that he'd made up an F-word song while at school, though he couldn't remember the lyrics when pressed.
We tried to leave him with the sense that bad words aren't inherently bad, though other people can certainly get very upset with them. In general, it's best to avoid their use. I expressed a preference for funny swear words such as "yucko bunny eyeballs" and the like.
Ah, these Kodak moments.
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