Sadie's been at it again
January 31, 2007 by Adam in Sam
Sadie's been at it again.
Yesterday in the mail, I received a mysterious package. Inside was a box for Sam with the simple note to play the game and if he wins, give him the second box. The game was Mastermind and he miraculously won in three moves, guessing all the right colors the first time.
Inside the second box was a vial. Inside the vial was a small metal tablet that unscrewed to reveal a strip of rolled-up paper. On the paper was a code key, which I won't display here for fear of disclosing a future secret. Sam, of course, thought the whole thing was incredibly cool and now awaits further packages in hopes of decoding it.
On another note, Sam finished the second Harry Potter book. He now plans to get through the rest of the books in hopes of getting to the seventh book when it comes out.
Sam put together a class presentation on Uranus
January 23, 2007 by Adam in Sam
Sam put together a class presentation on Uranus. Sure enough, preparing the night before seemed to have endless giggles, most from Jamie of all people. Supposedly it turned out pretty well when he gave it today. One boy said it looked like he'd worked on it for a long time, which he sort of did.
Tonight Sam got a pretty good bonk on the head. We have this jumping game where he lands on a "Foof" (which is basically a giant pillow). We decided to mix it up a bit, and there was a trampoline which launched him upwards after the first jump.
Well, Jamie had carefully purchased well-padded floors, but somehow forgot to equally pad the ceiling. Sam knocked his head on a low beam and was pretty miserable afterwards. He's mostly better now, having iced it and taken Tylenol. I'm feeling guilty for helping it all happen. Sigh.
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