I just got back from the coast, leaving Jamie...
March 26, 2007 by Adam in Sam
I just got back from the coast, leaving Jamie and the kids behind. Sam in particular had loads of fun at the beach, claiming various pieces of driftwood and sand bars in the name of Samatopia. Of course, all was not well in the kingdom and there were various usurpers to deal with. We also spent some time building various structures out of sand, wood, and shells. Even though the endeavors were futile, there is something grand about creating something, even though it is doomed to be washed away by the next high tide. Sam and Emma have been playing particularly well together these last few days. When Sam's away, Emma sadly announces, "I want Sammy." Sure enough, that warbling cry was enough to get me to carry her a solid mile along the beach until we caught up with Sam, off on some adventure.
I love reading Sam's homework
March 21, 2007 by Adam in Sam
I love reading Sam's homework. Today I found his answer to the question "Who is your hero?"
Can you guess who my hero is? He is tall and has long hair. He can draw. I can always count on him to play video games. If you guessed me, you're right!
Sam got a nasty bloody nose the other day
March 19, 2007 by Adam in Sam
Sam got a nasty bloody nose the other day. We were walking down to Dave's house for dinner, when he started dripping blood everywhere. By the time we reached the house, it looked like he'd been attacked by a wild animal.
On the way back, Emma fell and scraped her knees too, so it was a rather traumatic experience for all.
Sam seems to be doing fairly well these days. School seems fairly easy for him and he enjoys going to see his friends. Last night he and I had a long conversation about space exploration, all stemming from the question "What if you could make sound in space?"
Sam wrote this as part of a school assignment...
March 17, 2007 by Adam in Sam
Sam wrote this as part of a school assignment:
My dad is funny and nice. My mom is nice too and she talks alot. Me, I do lots of things. I play video games, draw, write, and I'm smart. My sister plays with Barbies and is annoying.
Well, I bought Sam a domain name
March 16, 2007 by Adam in Sam
Well, I bought Sam a domain name. SamuelMiller.com was taken, but Samatopia.com was free. For those who are curious, it's an imaginary place that Sam created a year or two ago. He'd spend long hours telling me about it's lengthy history and terrible battles.
We put together a little site yesterday. I admittedly got a little carried away, having fun doing some weird and wacky web things. Visitors to his site can play with magnetic poetry, adjust the map, or help make his comics. I want to get a better list of words from Sam and perhaps get him to do a bit of drawing as well. Fun, fun.
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Samatopia.com Splugger's YouTube
Sam's first words
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Shoes: size 11 Pants: 32 waist, 34 length Shirts: Men's medium