Sam and I climbed Spencer's Butte on Saturday
May 28, 2007 by Adam in Sam
Sam and I climbed Spencer's Butte on Saturday. We had a great time and Sam had a tremendous amount of energy. He hardly took breaks and by the time we got to the bottom, he stopped to climb a tree. Once we got in the car, though, he was suddenly exhausted. By the time we got home, he very much needed some food and quiet time.
Sam's class presentation on the Wolverine went very well. Everyone liked his comparison to the X-Men wolverine. He also excels in his math, reading, and spelling. At this point, most of his tricky school issues involve interpersonal relationships with his friends, making sure people don't feel left out and reminding him he's not responsible for everyone's happiness.
I'm going to see if Sam and I can go to the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie today. Fun, fun!
Sam made his first video game today
May 19, 2007 by Adam in Sam
Sam made his first video game today. It used a program called Scratch, which is designed for making programming easy for kids. His first game was made pretty quickly, though I helped him out. He decided what sort of game he wanted to make. I gave him pointers on variables and control statements and stuff. Still, he ended up doing quite a bit of it. Like father, like son.
I'm reading Harry Potter five and so far it i...
May 08, 2007 by Sam in Sam
I'm reading Harry Potter five and so far it is really exiting. I've been reading a lot of Harry Potter lately. I'm typing about typing now so read Harry Potter you'll enjoy it.
Sam's lip has finally healed, which makes him...
May 04, 2007 by Adam in Sam
Sam's lip has finally healed, which makes him quite happy. For a week he was going around like a chipmunk, trying to protect his cut. Of course, now he's got assorted ills, from stomach problems last night to ear aches this morning. Poor kid.
Sam continues to do quite well at school. He gets great scores on every spelling test. He was telling me how he won the respect of another kid by successfully pronouncing "Rayman's Raving Rabbids" (his latest Wii game). Last night we were brainstorming on his homework, trying to come up with a game for his math class. It's fun watching him grow and learn.
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Shoes: size 11 Pants: 32 waist, 34 length Shirts: Men's medium