Sam decided to follow the tradition of many y...

July 24, 2007 by Adam in Sam

Sam decided to follow the tradition of many young boys before him and camp outside last night. Emma and I helped find the old, dusty tent that Jamie and I used to hike the Grand Canyon. It was quickly set up and provisioned, with the kids trying it out for much of the evening. There was a brief moment where Jamie didn't want him to stay all night after seeing clouds roll in. Evidently Sam's powers of persuasion are strong and he somehow got the okay.

He stayed outside, reading his Harry Potter book, and didn't come in until just a few minutes ago. Since it was 6:30 in the morning, I think he got a little cold or bored or something. Last I saw him, he was headed upstairs to the relative warmth of his own bed.

Sam's playing a new online adventure game cal...

July 22, 2007 by Adam in Sam

Sam's playing a new online adventure game called Chore Wars. I told Jamie that there was a computer game that she'd want him to play all the time. She initially scoffed, but then admitted I was right once I explained it. Sam's character is Samtastic, a first level Barbarian with a couple adventures under his belt. Yesterday he put his shoes away and this morning he put away his clothes. Soon he'll take on the biggest adventure of his short adventuring career, cleaning the pool. There's a 20% chance of finding a +2 Discarded Swimming Suit of Power. Wish him luck.

A week ago, I took the kids to Elephant's Tru...

July 09, 2007 by Adam in Sam

A week ago, I took the kids to Elephant's Trunk at 5th Street Market. Sam saw an Ugly Doll there, these odd, distorted soft toys for non-traditional kids. Well, Sam really wanted an Ugly Doll, to the point where he was seriously thinking about cracking open his piggy bank and shelling out the $20 for one.

When he came home and told Jamie, she said she'd make one for him. Even better, it would be of his own design. Soon enough, Sam sketched out a one-eyed, three-tentacled monstrosity and they went to get some felt. Jamie did the sewing and Sam added the stuffing. Soon Ogg, the home-grown Ugly Doll was born.

Sam hit another big milestone last night, finishing the 6th Harry Potter book. The series really turned him into a serious reader. When he started a year ago, he was slowly sounding out words and managing picture books on occasion. Now he can read a couple chapters a night. He explained to me how when he reads, he doesn't sound out the words any more, but is instead transported to a different world.

Now he's reading a book about Sasquatch, at least until the last Harry Potter book comes out.

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Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
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