I picked up Sam from school and somehow he ma...

September 17, 2007 by Adam in Sam

I picked up Sam from school and somehow he managed to hurt his back while doing push ups at recess. It's not too bad, but running around and jumping seems to make it hurt, so I'll probably keep him out of soccer tonight.

On the plus side, I got him packed, off to school, and picked him up at the right time without any problem.

Sam's having a bit of an issue around sports ...

September 11, 2007 by Adam in Sam

Sam's having a bit of an issue around sports these days. Soccer isn't panning out as his exercise of choice, so we're looking into other options for him after this season is over.

Swimming is something he keeps talking about. The YMCA has a swim team, which is conveniently located close to our house. I'd also be interested in taking him fencing once he turns nine. It's something I could do with him, plus I'm curious if my old reflexes are still there.

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Current Stats:

Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium