Sam and I just finished a bike ride and now h...
January 13, 2008 by Adam in Sam
Sam and I just finished a bike ride and now he's across the street playing with Ben and Sebastian. He loves riding his new bike, and it was his idea to ride when Jamie announced she needed us to go to pick things up from some stores. We took a detour on the Amazon path past Roosevelt Middle school. It was kind of fun riding around the part of town, as I have fond memories of going over there when I was a kid. Maybe I'll take him to Riverview street for the full nostalgia effect.
As an aside, I found an online retailer that was selling Guitar Hero at a reasonable price, so it should be heading our way soon.
Jamie got Sam a reading chair for his bed
January 11, 2008 by Adam in Sam
Jamie got Sam a reading chair for his bed. The really weird thing are the built-in speakers and side pocket for an MP3 player. While I might have rolled my eyes a bit, Sam decided it was awesome. And yes, that's Iron Man playing in the background. On a related note, Judy directed me to purchase Guitar Hero with a bit of her "mad money" in hopes she could play when she was in town. Unfortunately it's very hard to get unless you pay an extra $50 over the list value, so I think I'll wait awhile yet. In the meantime, you can watch these two grown men play Iron Man to get a feel for what will likely be happening in the Miller-Mellor household in the future.
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Shoes: size 11 Pants: 32 waist, 34 length Shirts: Men's medium