December 05, 2008 by Adam in Sam
Sam's been reading the Lightning Thief series and really getting into Greek mythology. We also dusted off our Magic cards and played a bit. Add to the mix an upcoming computer game project involving a card game, and you end up with Sam making his own Greek-themed magic cards. It's been good for his typing and research skills. He's even doing a book report that requires an art project, but I think he'd like to keep the card creation thing as his "just for fun" project.
December 02, 2008 by Adam in Sam
Last night Sam ended up punching our stove while reaching for a hand cloth. I asked him if the stove had offended him somehow, but he was in too much pain to laugh. We gave him Tylenol and a bag of frozen corn to put on it, along with sagely advice to hit something softer next time ("Like your sister," Jamie added). Fortunately by this morning he was mostly better, so no permanent damage. Splugger's YouTube
Sam's first words Current Stats:
Shoes: size 11Pants: 32 waist, 34 lengthShirts: Men's medium