The Cheese
February 24, 2012 by Adam in Sam
Sam's done a pretty good job catching up with all of his school work. He often seems to get a little behind due to illness, and at midterms there are surprises that mean everyone has to scramble to catch up. Unfortunately Sam can get somewhat despondent along the way.
Fortunately we're all caught up, and working away at the end of the term projects. For his biology class he's studying decomposition based on my recommendation. We've made a poster of cheese, each treated differently, and are taking nightly pictures of their decomposition. The one in water is turning to mush, the salted one is strangely pulling water out of the cheese, the control cheese looks slightly dry, and the one in dirt is sprouting mold all over the place.
Sam also hates writing about personal things, and he unfortunately has an assignment where he's required to do so. The examples in class involved things like overcoming anorexia, dyslexia, or the death of a family member. Sam was complaining that nothing terrible happens to him. I suggested making up a story about a dyslexic sister who died of anorexia, but he wasn't buying it.