Straight A's

December 20, 2013 by Adam in Sam

Sam got straight A's for his first term of high school.  He also only missed two days, mostly the result of powering through times when he felt lousy.  The only days he missed were the two before Thanksgiving when he was deathly ill.  We all raised a glass (of milk) to him at the dinner table and shouted "hip, hip, hooray!"


November 27, 2013 by Adam in Sam

Sam continues to be really sick, with a viral sore throat that we're treating with liquids, pain killers, and rest.  He's hardly eaten anything in days because it hurts so much.  His doctor made a face when she saw it, along with the comment that she hadn't seen anything that bad in a while.

He spent his birthday watching shows and reading Reddit.  He managed to eat some mashed potatoes and apple sauce for dinner, along with a custard dessert.  Poor kid.

Sam Loves Babies

October 01, 2013 by Adam in Sam

I went to get Sam from his mom's house on Saturday.  He was keeping an eye on Kirsten's daughter Ellie.  Sam sat there for a long time with her while she cheerfully looked at everyone making faces at her.

I thought this picture gave a good perspective as to Sam's size these days.  His head is bigger than an entire baby's body.

High School

September 04, 2013 by Adam in Sam

Sam registered for classes yesterday, returning with a student body card sporting his usual quizzical expression.  I think all went well, walking down to school, passing out checks and forms, then returning home.  The only issue that needs to be sorted out is an online honors computer science class.  I think I've sorted it out, but as the class starts today, I'd like to get that finalized soon.

Bubble Tea

June 02, 2013 by Adam in Sam

Sam's friend Evan has been singing the praises of bubble tea for some time now.  Joanna got Sam some last week, but I think the flavor was a little too daring for him (some kind of melon).  Yesterday at the store I picked up tapioca and this morning Sam made himself bubble tea.  He loved it and was quite proud of his accomplishment.

Final Choir Concert

May 30, 2013 by Adam in Sam

I went to Sam's last choir concert last night.  He was the tallest of all the kids there, well over 6' 2" in his dress shoes.  It was interesting watching him joke with friends and sing with some enthusiasm, quite the contrast to the relatively shy sixth grader. 

I think I managed to go to every one of his concerts over the years.  The sixth graders in last night's presentation sang the same songs Sam did three years before.

They Keep Growing Up

May 29, 2013 by Adam in Sam

Sam is now 6' 1" and perhaps halfway to 6' 2".  It's strange walking alongside this massive young man who I once carried around in one hand.

He's in his last days at Roosevelt, crazy busy with final projects.  Tonight I'm taking him to his final choir concert and helping him with his poetry assignment.  I think he's starting to really look forward to summer.

Last night we walked down to South Eugene High School for the 9th grader introductions.  The school seemed massive to Sam, and to be honest it appeared pretty big to me as well.  Somehow we crammed the cafeteria full of new students and their families, many of whom were familiar to me.  The nostalgia was intense as I pointed out the murals in the hallways, which were new and which had been there over 25 years ago.

I'm proud of Sam.  He's grown into an interesting, funny person that I love hanging out with.

Older Posts
Splugger's YouTube

Sam's first words

Current Stats:

Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium