October 03, 2017 by Adam in Sam
Sam was riding around campus today and got hit by a car. He texted me from the ER, letting me know he was okay. I immediately dropped everything and went to fetch him. He was mostly fine - just a few non-obvious scrapes and bruises. I'm not entirely sure what happened - I get the impression he was turning at an unfamiliar location and missed seeing a car. Fortunately it was all at slow speeds.
His bike got a little whacked and required some adjusting of brakes, wheels, and handle bars. Fortunately that seems mostly okay too. He was planning on metaphorically getting back on the horse and going to one of his student organization things tonight.
Parenting is an adventure.
Samatopia.com Splugger's YouTube
Sam's first words Current Stats:
Shoes: size 11Pants: 32 waist, 34 lengthShirts: Men's medium