Off to Hawaii

June 22, 2017 by Adam in Sam

Yesterday Sam and Isa cleaned out Sam's room, huge volumes of clothes, books, and weird things arrayed outside his door in large bags.  A combination of the upcoming carpet cleaning and Isa's prodding helped make it happen, but I think he was generally fine with it.

I drove the two of them to the airport, getting up at 4:40 a.m.  They're off to LAX with a 9 hour layover, and then off to Hawaii to see Isa's dad.  I think they'll have a great time.

Graduation Party

June 19, 2017 by Adam in Sam

We went to Sam's graduation party on Saturday afternoon.  It was a pretty good shindig.  Joanna made sushi and gluten free muffins.  Yayoe brought more sushi.  Other people had quiches and pies and doughnuts.

Mostly I chatted with Sam's high school friends and my immediate family.  Eventually Berry retreated to a quiet room to read, joined shortly by Joanna.  We eventually snuck home after a pleasant afternoon.

Sam's generally cheerful these days.  He's been working for my mom, with Jamie and myself wanting his somewhat intelligent labor for other tasks around our respective houses.  On Thursday he and Isa go to Hawaii, followed by a trip to Sunriver with the rest of the family.  Not sure how much work he'll get in this summer.

Last Day of High School

June 09, 2017 by Adam in Sam

Sam had his last day of high school today.  He seems remarkably cheerful.  In a month or so he has a couple days of orientation at the U of O, and hopefully on to his college phase.  I think he's generally okay with that.

I also took him to a non-pediatrician doctor yesterday, the same one I'm using.  It turns out she's a vegetarian as well, and recommended he continue eating lots of peanut butter.

Sam's decided to help Emma with her school project.  A class-mate apparently wrote a screenplay involving naval ships and everyone dressing like naval officers.  Sam's doing the special effects, making a digital movie of the battle scenes.  He seemed somewhat excited to have a project to do.


June 01, 2017 by Adam in Sam

Sam's going to be given an award for Outstanding Japanese Student this year.  He looked vaguely confused and let me know he wasn't interested in going to the dinner where everyone claps for him (and everyone else getting awards).  I still think it's cool he got the award.

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Sam's first words

Current Stats:

Shoes: size 11
Pants: 32 waist, 34 length
Shirts: Men's medium