Not So Wise
February 06, 2019 by Adam in Sam
Sam had his wisdom teeth taken out today. We took him to the oral surgeon first thing in the morning. He remembers getting a shot of medication in his IV and then nothing until I met him in the recovery room. He was pretty groggy and I had to help him put his shirt on like when he was little. I got him settled down watching Netflix, sipping water and taking it easy.
Jamie came over, bringing a basket of assorted foods, Emma's favorite stuffed animal, and a get well card that Emma made. I think Sam appreciated the company, as he was feeling pretty lousy.
He moved from Austin Powers to World War 2 documentaries. Towards the evening Skye came over to keep him company. I made him a peanut butter milkshake and applesauce for dinner. We asserted that our good smelling solid food was actually terrible and chastised Joanna for her terrible cooking.
He's working to stay on top of his pain meds. Tomorrow is warm soup and scrambled eggs. Hopefully he can work back to normal food soon enough.