I abandon these blankets of snow and -2 degre...

December 20, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I abandon these blankets of snow and -2 degree weather at 3:00 am tomorrow morning, thanks to a generous co-worker. I still have today to take care of work things, but email will stalk me wherever I go. It's still nice to like my job.

Oh, hey, I have a front page article in the Williams College newspaper about what I do! The quotes make me sound like a chipper charity provider instead of a driven agent of social change, but you can't win 'em all.

I can't wait to see my Eugenean loves. All of my high school friends are decending on mum's house for brunch on the 26th, before heading to a bar for our five-year high school reunion. Akward situational comedy, here I come!

A note of clarification: Anna finally wieghed...

December 15, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

A note of clarification: Anna finally wieghed herself, and only lost ten pounds, though on a petit little thing like her, it's hard not to notice. But she greatfully got the flowers from mom; she claims that they are the first flowers that she has ever recieved (what kind of girlfriend am I, right?).

I finally saw The Incredibles with my friend Tenaya and laughed my bum off.

Work is great, juggling a bunch of different projects and happy as a clam. This afternoon I had a rousing discussion over lunch with the international grad students at the Center for Development Economics about when governments can institute the Islamic law of cutting off a thief's hand. Most participants in the discussion said yes to hand cutting once soci-economic equality was reached in the country. God bless the future economic leaders of the world.

It's good to hear that Destin is already a co...

December 09, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

It's good to hear that Destin is already a community leader at 8!

I'm working on a collaborative project between a local charter school and the public school's English language learner offices to create a 'Welcome to the Berkshires' video for new residents. The charter school kids will spend a day at Williams, taking tours and watching mini-classes, student performances, and athletic practices. It's part of the non-credit winter study course I'm developing that- eek- is starting in three weeks, two of which I will spend in Eugene.

The preparation for reflection sessions and community work is exhilarating, because the students will (finally!) have time to understand their membership in a broader community. I'm hopeful that the program will be a pilot for a bigger and better program next year, that the reflection we do will become integrated into the rest of our work, and that the program will foster student leaders that are sensitized to community organizing and social justice.


December 08, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg


My winter study project is going beautifully!...

December 06, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

My winter study project is going beautifully! The world is conspiring in my favor! And it's snowing.

Despite the east coast weather, Thanksgiving ...

November 28, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Despite the east coast weather, Thanksgiving was wonderful. I am almost good enough at the banjo for a second lesson and re-tuning, and well rested enough to start a new project at work. Brian, the VISTA before me, is back for the weekend, and I'm excited to brainstorm with him about my progress and thoughts for the coming semester.

Ah, I hope all is well with the clan

November 22, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Ah, I hope all is well with the clan. I wish I could return for Thanksgiving, but I still promise you Christmas. I have mid-tenure training next week in Littleton, MA with other VISTAs across the state, which should be helpful in jumpstarting next semester's work plan. I'd like to refocus on more fundamental but challanging directions. Poverty alleviation isn't quite as straightforward as it sounds, especially when required to go into an office every day and face the kiss of death that is email.


November 18, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

1. I'm learning to play the banjo, and it's going well.
2. I'm going to Rev. Spalding's house for Thanksgiving, which should be wonderful- he lives in an old church and I might get to ring the bell.
3. Work is good, but slow.
4. I'm moving my radio show from 7-8 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays to 8-9, so all of you west coast kids up at five in the morning know where to tune in- www.wcfm.williams.edu. I'll play anything you want. Don't leave me alone with my murder ballads and death row blues.


November 15, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg


All the leaves are gone and it's snowing in w...

November 12, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

All the leaves are gone and it's snowing in wet, windless sheets. I'm staying in Williamstown for Thanksgiving and almost certainly for another year- a prospect that is comforting (I can't imagine leaving after having just learned the ropes of the community and college), but, looking out my window and reaching for a second sweater, also terrifying. I can only hope that x-country skiing grows on me and the townies I have gathered close will keep me company through the muffled isolation of a hill town winter. The college also lends vibrance to my life in countless ways- lectures, performances and good people. I will not be afraid, even as it, just now, begins to snow harder.

Ah, Betsy, I'll think of you when formulating...

November 10, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Ah, Betsy, I'll think of you when formulating my radio playlist tomorrow morning. Sometimes the blues is the best remedy for kickin' crack (or what have you).


November 09, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg


Listen to my show from 7:00-8:00 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

This weekend was Williams homecoming, a rowdy...

November 07, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

This weekend was Williams homecoming, a rowdy anti-intellectual drunken bash that students love and alums return for. As I discovered, no one actually watches the game, but three thousand people mill around the grassy parking lot, eating chili, drinking beer, and bumping into friends. It was a working weekend for all the networking I did at the game. I also connected with one of the Yes Men on Friday night (the best documentary activits event- www.theyesmen.org) and am going to sell some of their merchandise at a fair trade gift show on campus. Then I met this awesome awesome senior who is going to make benefit holiday gift cards with me. A good week, for all it's low points.

Thanks for all your blog support- I'm almost ...

November 04, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Thanks for all your blog support- I'm almost articulate again after finishing off a couple of bottles of wine and blowing off steam with friends last night.

Mom, if you need any help with that civil union statute, give a holler- I can rally my peers, and you know that Morgan is currently working with United Way in Eugene.

I'm tired of seeing gay people portrayed as media minstrels who can be embraced by the popular imagination as an entertaining vacation from normative society and then denied when they step out of that role to demand equal rights.

And I'm afraid for the supreme court.

May the world forgive us, for the American people clearly know not what they do.

Mom, God hasn't blessed America, God fucked u...

November 03, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Mom, God hasn't blessed America, God fucked us with the fucking evangelical homophobic racist vote. Gay marriage bans across the nation? This democracy is a fucking joke.

Ah, Mr

November 01, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Ah, Mr. Pletcher! I'd love him, with his broken neck and one soft patch of natural fur left just under his bum. I'm still confused about what I did and didn't do to make my relationship work. Mom and I were talking about Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Gift From the Sea last night. Anna and I had become the colony of shells. How can you know, with all those good parts and complex memories and habits layering on top of one another, when the double sunrise shell goes? Or the moon shell? Maybe it's still there, but the vestiges of commitment and distance grew over it on the ocean rock and I can't touch it or break off the other muscles to find it. And you, my commited family, my colony of inseperable shells, how do you know when to choose the moon shell over the rest? At 23, it seems like the safest choice to make when the possiblity of making the same choice, too late in the game, terrifies me. Thank you for thinking of me at this moment, and for sending all your good thought to Anna, who is (naturally and justifiably) hella pissed that I, the commitmentphile, could be this much of a jerk so suddenly.

Anna and I broke up today, unexpectedly for b...

October 28, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Anna and I broke up today, unexpectedly for both of us. I understand if you want to choose her even though you're my family- she's a great lady. I think we're doing fine, considering, but still not really sure what it means in the long run.

Other than that, the weather is beautiful, my programs are going well, and work is good.

Outside my window is a bed of bright yellow l...

October 26, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Outside my window is a bed of bright yellow leaves and endless rumpled students crushing them on their shortcut to class. I love the mornings here. I just finished my third interview this week, one for the North Adams Transcript, one for the college's publicity stuff, and then for the student newspaper. The student journalist was appropriately muckraking, the college journalist appropriately positive and easy-going, and the North Adams journalist was so lonely in his first week away from Philly that I quickly sucked him into my group of twentysomething friends here. So it's been an interesting week.

Today is the beginning of the Service Week th...

October 22, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Today is the beginning of the Service Week that the student service council and my office have worked so hard on. I know that one-day events are important in context of the greater office of community service and the students' awareness of the work that we do, but it seems so silly to spend all my energy on a week of projects that don't actually expand our relationships with community based organizations. Nevertehless, I imagine that we'll do well with the winter clothes drive and the benefit concert. My back and hands are tender from shoveling hay from a barn at the Rural Lands Foundation a few days ago. It will be good to go there on Halloween and see the product of all our efforts to make a haunted barn.

I'm finding my feet in cultural theory this week, but haven't slept or eaten for five days because of it... I forgot that learning could be this intense. This too shall pass. I hope to get out both alive and with what I'm looking for.

I heart service course requirements

October 20, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I heart service course requirements.

Isn’t it interesting that Williams demands co...

October 18, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Isn’t it interesting that Williams demands community service as part of your CV to get into the school, but only pays for a part time staff member (Rev. Spalding) and a one fourth time staff member (Matt Boyd) to administer community service on campus? As an Americoprs volunteer, the college doesn't have to pay for me.

Strangely, the college can pay for eighteen assistant coaches.


Oh, Seraph, I love your post so much! I'll be...

October 13, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Oh, Seraph, I love your post so much! I'll be voting for your birthday present and agitating all I can (unfortunately, as a federal employee, it's not much). I got to talk to two of our non-traditional babies on the phone last night- Emma said hi and Sam counted from 1 to 29 for me.

This morning I helped coordinate student volunteers to assist 20 6th and 9th graders taking an assessment exam. All of them had special accomodations, and despite the short notice scramble to get Williams kids, it worked out beautifully. I also got to talk to a cool kid from (in his words) "the North Adams projects". He lives a block away from his aunt, though- sniff.

I'm starting up a winter clothing drive, a task daunting because I am doing it solo (for now). Campus dorms, a dozen churches, and a few schools to coordinate with... but it's a beautiful, beautiful week, and I'm feeling good about the work.

How many members of the Bush Administration ...

October 11, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to replace a light bulb? The Answer is TEN:

1. One to deny that the light bulb needs to be changed.

2. One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs to be changed.

3. One to blame Clinton for burning out the light bulb.

4. One to tell the nations of the world that they are either: "For changing the light bulb or for darkness"

5. One to give a billion dollar no-bid contract to Halliburton for the new light bulb.

6. One to arrange for a photograph of Bush, dressed as a janitor, standing on a stepladder under the banner "Light Bulb Change Accomplished".

7. One administration insider to resign and write a book documenting in detail how Bush was literally (in this case) "in the dark".

8. One to viciously smear #7.

9. One surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush has had a strong light bulb-changing policy all along.

10. And finally one to confuse Americans about the difference between screwing a light bulb and screwing the country.

I absolutely love the layers of performance a...

October 07, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I absolutely love the layers of performance and reality in Adam's reporting of your Sims life. Keep up the bazzarro lives.

I got this email from Isa (dutifully written ...

October 05, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I got this email from Isa (dutifully written by Hunni) months ago, but just came across it again.
I thought you would all like it.

Dear Aunt Sadie:
"Tell her I love her," "Snake and Wolf."
Isa wants me to tell you about the time our house burned because of a fire.
Isa wants me to tell you that she has been playing, and in Portland she likes to play with her dress up clothes and play in the park fountian. She has also been reading a lot of books.
She wants to make sure your contacts are ok and that you've been fixing your hair.
Love Isabell

In response to Raven's thoughts about leaving...

October 04, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

In response to Raven's thoughts about leaving the states to escape American politics, I think depriving the US of its best citizens would be terrible for the democratic struggle. Additionally, nobody can escape American politics. Mwa ha ha.

Work is intense. It's like, sooo intense.

Anna and I are also very excited to hear abou...

September 30, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Anna and I are also very excited to hear about Seraph's grades her first semester at school. That kind of performance while being who you are, Seraph, is just amazing. It means only that you are a determined mother and a very talented artist.

I'm working with the student service council to set up a service week at the end of October, and nearly have all of the coordination/set-up work finished. Now is the advertising campaign- convincing college administrators and professors to get their pictures taken saying "I want YOU to volunteer at Caretaker Farm," and get said administrator to go with them. I've already got one, and I think Rick, my supervisor and spiritual guide/chaplain to the college, will also help out. I think the colorful posters will improve our luck getting students to volunteer.

I'm also getting college musicians to run short, informal clinics with high school students. So far I have an African dance group, a singer/songwriter, and a film maker. The high school musicians will also be performing with Williams students at the Benefit Concert, which will benefit the Williamstown and North Adams PTOs.

Now, convincing a dorm room to help with Pownal Elementary School's haunted house...

The hurricane has inched its way to our weste...

September 28, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

The hurricane has inched its way to our western weather, and it's rained all day- not the Oregon mist, but the torrential, Eastern kind of rain.

I had a meeting with an English as a Second Language assistant at the local middle school. She was so overwhelmed that she laughed histerically at her own predicament throughout the meeting. I've sent out my emails, made my calls, and while I think I'll be able to equip her with a couple of Spanish-speaking Williams students, it's so hard to see that kind of unmet need. But it's equally rewarding when our resources come together. And I think that's what's about to happen.

I think I'm going to see Howard Dean tonight. That means I'll have seen three of the Democratic hopefuls- Kucunich, Mosely Braun, and Dean. I feel so involved.

Much love.

An interesting bit emailed to me by Anna abou...

September 24, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

An interesting bit emailed to me by Anna about the "Little Guantanamo" set up on Pier 57 during the RNC in New York. Our friend Rishi was held there for 8 hours while peacefully protesting, if standing in the wrong place at the wrong time can be called protest.

The now-famous Pier 57 in New York, used as the jail facility for holding protestors arrested during the Republican National Convention, was leased by the Republican National Committee, according to the Certificate of Occupancy and the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate for the pier.

The implications of the Republican National Committee leasing the pier, and arranging for the NYPD to then use the pier as a detention facility for people protesting the RNC, are quite startling. The ramifications for both the Republican Party and for the City of New York (for entering into a partnership with an organization essentially operating a private jail facility), both legally and politically, could be serious indeed.

Guesss who I hate? U

September 22, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Guesss who I hate?

U.S. Seeks Cuts in Housing Aid to Urban Poor

September 22, 2004 By DAVID W. CHEN

The Bush administration has proposed reducing the value of
subsidized-housing vouchers given to poor residents in New
York City next year, with even bigger cuts planned for some
urban areas in New England. The proposal is based on a
disputed new formula that averages higher rents in big
cities with those of suburban areas, which tend to have lower costs.

The proposals could have a "significantly detrimental impact" in some areas by forcing poor families to pay hundreds of extra dollars per month in rent, according to United States Representative Christopher Shays, a Connecticut Republican. That extra burden could be too much
for thousands of tenants, "potentially leaving them
homeless," Mr. Shays wrote in a recent letter to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

I registered in Williamstown today, though I ...

September 20, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I registered in Williamstown today, though I still have a rapport with Northampton politics and will miss voting there. Remarkably, this week has calmed down a bit, and I have the time to breathe, clean off my desk, and start on a few new projects.

This weekend Anna and I will be driving to Providence, RI to roast a pig and drink home brew with my old friend Alan Bergland. Good times for a lovely fall.

I'm on my second cup of coffee and feeling wo...

September 10, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I'm on my second cup of coffee and feeling wonderful. I get to break in eleven new first-year tutors this evening as practice for my big info session next week. They work with me as work study students. That makes them *officially* my minions for social justice. My empire comes together...

On another note, Anna is bringing my couch and kitchen table up tonight. I'm not moving anything until the new studio can be fung shui-ed by my friend Taneya. After the last place, I need to some serious Chi realignment.

While walking to work this morning, a little ...

September 08, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

While walking to work this morning, a little too near to sunrise for my taste, the air was so Eugene crisply perfect. I came to the east coast for a little Robert Frost romance with nature, but I'm too wary of the weather to enjoy myself. The people are great and I like the rural bumped up against the culturally cultivated, but the weather... One can trust the weather in Eugene. One knows what to expect and the rain gods do not dissapoint. The east coast gives rain with humidity! Snow with bitter wind! Eugene would never do these things. Oh, how one grows to love Home when it's far away.

Work is like getting in a wave pool for eight hours without a floatation device, getting out, sleeping, and getting back in the next morning. Communist utopias call to me... Abandon your academic oppression, Sadie, Live naked in a tepee...

Thanks to Leon, Anna's dad, for this great ar...

September 07, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Thanks to Leon, Anna's dad, for this great article on fascism, my personal favorite topic du jour.

Fascism Anyone?
Laurence W. Britt

[F]ascism's principles are wafting in the air today, surreptitiously masquerading as something else, challenging everything we stand for. The cliché that people and nations learn from history is not only overused, but also overestimated; often we fail to learn from history, or draw the wrong conclusions. Sadly, historical amnesia is the norm.

We are two-and-a-half generations removed from the horrors of Nazi Germany, although constant reminders jog the consciousness. German and Italian fascism form the historical models that define this twisted political worldview. Although they no longer exist, this worldview and the characteristics of these models have been imitated by protofascist regimes at various times in the twentieth century. Both the original German and Italian models and the later protofascist regimes show remarkably similar characteristics. Although many scholars question any direct connection among these regimes, few can dispute their visual similarities.

Beyond the visual, even a cursory study of these fascist and Protofascist regimes reveals the absolutely striking convergence of their modus operandi. This, of course, is not a revelation to the informed political observer, But it is sometimes useful in the interests of perspective to restate Obvious facts and in so doing shed needed light on current circumstances.

For the purpose of this perspective, I will consider the following regimes:
Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco's Spain, Salazar's Portugal, Papadopoulos's Greece, Pinochet's Chile, and Suharto's Indonesia. To be sure, they constitute a mixed bag of national identities, cultures, developmental levels, and history. But they all followed the fascist or protofascist model in obtaining, expanding, and maintaining power. Further, all these regimes have been overthrown, so a more or less complete Picture of their basic characteristics and abuses is possible.

Analysis of these seven regimes reveals fourteen common threads that Link them in recognizable patterns of national behavior and abuse of power. These basic characteristics are more prevalent and intense in some regimes than in others, but they all share at least some level of similarity.

1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism. From the prominent displays of flags and bunting to the ubiquitous lapel pins, the fervor to show patriotic nationalism, both on the part of the regime itself and of citizens caught up in its frenzy, was always obvious. Catchy slogans, pride in the military, and demands for unity were common themes in expressing this nationalism. It was usually coupled with a suspicion of things foreign that often bordered on xenophobia.

2. Disdain for the importance of human rights. The regimes themselves viewed human rights as of little value and a hindrance to realizing the objectives of the ruling elite. Through clever use of propaganda, the population was brought to accept these human rights abuses by marginalizing, even demonizing, those being targeted. When abuse was egregious, the tactic was to use secrecy, denial, and disinformation.

3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. The most significant common thread among these regimes was the use of scapegoating as a means to divert the people's attention from other problems, to shift blame for failures, and to channel frustration in controlled directions. The methods of choice-relentless propaganda and disinformation-were usually effective. Often the regimes would incite "spontaneous" acts against the target scapegoats, usually communists, socialists, liberals, Jews, ethnic and racial minorities, traditional national enemies, members of other religions, secularists, homosexuals, and "terrorists." Active opponents of these regimes were inevitably labeled as terrorists and


September 03, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

1. i am writing this one-handed from my desk, eating lunch before going through logistics with all the orientation leaders.
2. i successfully moved into my beautiful new apartment.
3. i am gearing up for a busy four days of first-year orientation (140 first-years, 28 leaders).
4. all the amazing students had meetings with me this morning, and man, am i going to be busy for more than the next four days.
5. i love my job.
6. i miss all of you, esp. imagining the camping trip fun that's going to happen this weekend.

I'm moving into the new studio on Tuesday, wi...

August 26, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I'm moving into the new studio on Tuesday, with much help from Williams staff, friends, and Anna. It will be an ideal fit. Work is busy, and I can't imagine how anyone can do what I do all day and then go home and take care of kids. My deepest gratitude to my caretakers and my amazement that all the neices and nephews are thriving. Under my charge, I imagine that the older handful would be street urchins by now.

I saw a new studio apartment this morning, an...

August 16, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I saw a new studio apartment this morning, and am seriously considering a move. It saddens me to think of leaving my hall mate Taneya and her cat Mowgli, who I've been watching this week, but the new place smells much nicer. And while it looks a bit like a hotel in its off-white walls and standard size bathroom, it has a bathtub, counter space and kitchen cupboards. Additionally, a second floor flat on Spring Street is such a metropolitan move!

I visited www.findyourspot.com, and after an extensive quiz, Eugene was my number one spot. Ahh...

I foolishly said to my friend Zach that we sh...

August 12, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I foolishly said to my friend Zach that we should seize a particularly beautiful Tuesday afternoon, and he proceeded to take me on a six mile hike! What a way to finish off a day, though. These wilderness kids know where it's at. He has to mark all the trails for the first-year outdoor orientation program, so I imagine I'll be going on a few more before the end of the month. Today is rainy and begging for woolen socks and soup. I have much to do, but nothing pressing enough to keep me from daydreaming about a bath and a good book. hmm...

I went to the Berkshire Humane Society for a ...

August 10, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I went to the Berkshire Humane Society for a visit today, and I'd really like a dog. Oooo, the geriatric poodles are so cute!

Anna is visiting for the weekend before she g...

August 06, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Anna is visiting for the weekend before she goes home to Detroit for two weeks. We saw an absolutely fabulous play last night called "Design for Living" by Noel Coward. Wowie! And the celebreties strutting around Spring Street are out of control. Hopefully things will calm down when the student return. ha ha. Love to all.

Is it already Tuesday? Today was spent emaili...

August 03, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Is it already Tuesday? Today was spent emailing like a fiend. The president of the student community service board (called the Lehman Council and henceforth called Lehman) and I have had non-stop email madness. Because we do similar jobs and can help each other out, but also need to respect each other's opinions and spheres of power, we must continually check in. Additionally, we're both high-energy, go-to people who want to get a hold of the next semester (by next week). It's a like trying to be two people with the same brain- a little ticklish at first, but so much more efficient in the end.

I spent today at community organizations, mee...

July 29, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I spent today at community organizations, meeting their directors and getting a feel for what they do, and what we do with/to them. I also met with the VISTA at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in North Adams, and she and I got excited about collaborative work. She's such an inspiration!

Anna also made a suprise visit last night. I haven't seen her in two weeks due to various weddings on her part, which is a long time after a whole summer together. On Friday, Casey, Jess, Anna Lev and I are going to Jess' grandparent's house in the adarondacks! A whole weekend of adventure!

For now, you can call the office if you'd like to chat- it's not particularly busy, and we can always reschedule in the evening. As my house in only a block away, if anyone wants to call later in the pm, I can return to the office and wait for the ring.

So, instead of calling Verizon to fix my phon...

July 28, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

So, instead of calling Verizon to fix my phone, I decided to shut it off and go cellular. I haven't picked up a plan yet, but I shall do it soonish. Sweet Jacqui Shine called yesterday, and reminded me of the power human kindness has on one's mood. I a meeting this morning with a volunteer at a local org that reminded me (again!) of the power of human kindness. Can you imagine organizing a five-hour clothing sale once a year that makes $18,000?! That, my friends, is dedication. It's nice to know that I don't have to go far to find inspiration.

Happy (belated) Birthday, mum! Once my phone ...

July 26, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Happy (belated) Birthday, mum! Once my phone starts working (squirrel damage, perhaps?), I'll give a call. The weekend was absolute bliss, and I return renewed and full of lovin' from my friends.

Finally Friday, and I'm blowing this popsicle...

July 23, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Finally Friday, and I'm blowing this popsicle stand for the Cape. I've got a ride down, not with the band, but with a sympathetic fan named Zach who has kept me company when I'm not quite ready to go home and face the stench of death. He's organizing the basement of siskind (my office) for the outing club. I sit on the stairs and listen to his stories about going abroad at Oxford and life in rural New Hampshire... you know, the east coast things I came here to learn about. Anyway, he's driving down to a battle of the bands in noho, and I'm getting a ride. Looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Too bad Anna's in L.A. for yet another wedding, sniff. But clearly I'll enjoy spending quality time with Casey, Jess, and Anna Mo solo.

Fourth day on the job

July 22, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Fourth day on the job. I feel cut adrift with my supervisor gone. Just a few phone numbers, a few pages of insider's notes on community organizations and two weeks to find my own way. The squirrels make me want to cry... I'm afraid it smells like a morgue in July, without air conditioning. The live squirrel scratching in the wall is less and less distrurbing, but still disheartening. Karma for all the squirrels I used to chase around Smith. Hopefully I'll be able to get to the Cape this weekend with Anna Mo, Casey and Jess. If I can work it, I'm going to get a ride into Noho with some Williams punk band on Friday night. Ah, creative transport. Thinking of all of you.

Oh, my, and I didn't even call to say happy b...

July 20, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Oh, my, and I didn't even call to say happy birthday. Adam, I hope you love me anyway. Through my many meetings today, I've given the love of my family all the credit. Missing all of you.

My home phone number is (413) 458-9064 and my...

July 19, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

My home phone number is (413) 458-9064 and my office number is (413) 597-2139. first day: overwhelming, surrounded by love and support, and only one dead squirrel in the wall.

Still rockin' at Endicott College in Beverly, MA

July 15, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Still rockin' at Endicott College in Beverly, MA. Things are going so well! I do miss you all terribly, but it's clear that I'll be able to come home for Christmas for a week or more, and have 10 personal days that be made into a lovely Northwest vacation.

I am mid-way through VISTA leadership orienta...

July 14, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I am mid-way through VISTA leadership orientation, and reeling from the intensity and information. They prepare us on every level, for all possible administrative issues, positions, challanges, and tasks. While the sessions are very good, I see now that the orientation is primarily to build strong bonds between members of the Corps, so when real problems arise, we can use our collective connections, talents, and problem solving skills. I return home on Friday to move into my new apartment on the weekend and start work on Monday. Unless, of course, the squirrels that are currently living in my place have armed themselves and mutinied. Then I'll stay in Noho for a few more days. Much love.

If there's anything that makes me want to sta...

June 26, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

If there's anything that makes me want to stay in the states (and stay a sociologist), it is the impossibility of contacting graduate planning schools successfully. I think mum is tiring of my petulance and surly approach to travel, and it's getting to the point where looking at schools (the proposed point of this week) is ruining our stay here in lovely London. Oh, we've looked at the schools. The buildings, that is. Sometimes we can find maps and find the buildings that planning departments may be in. But little more than that. Up to Cambridge today, which may or may not be a similar disaster. Reading an interesting collection of essays on Conspiracy Theory and the Social Sciences, though. Now that's something I can understand.

We found each other in the airport, stayed fo...

June 25, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

We found each other in the airport, stayed for a few billion hours, then found a nice b and b in Bloomsbury, near UCL. all is well.

Well, I'm in NYC, about to leave for London

June 23, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Well, I'm in NYC, about to leave for London. Last night Anna, Anna's brother Noah, his girlfriend, her friend and I went to Shakespeare in the Park in Central PArk- Much Ado About Nothing. A very good showing. This afternoon Anna and I caught a few hours of a lecture series on public spaces for a summer design studio at Columbia. A good warm up for planning lingo. Much love!

I'm starting VISTA training July 11th, then begin work at Williams right away. Things will fall into place once I get back, I'm sure, but I don't have any time between jobs to move... hmm.

Took the job

June 17, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Took the job. Quite an interesting turn, eh?

the job at williams is the coordinator of community service. lots of work, didn't apply for it myself, it just dropped in my lap.

I do hope the meeting point is the arrivals g...

June 16, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I do hope the meeting point is the arrivals gate of the airport. I'm visiting Cambridge, Oxford, London School of Economics, and University College London. I have kept looking for hostels etc. in London, Cambridge, and Oxford, with some success, but am unsure about our schedule, so haven't made arrangements. Tell me when you want to go to the Isle of White so I can make appointments with these darn grad schools. Racheal, Lindsey's grilfriend has a friend that is at grad school in Cambridge, so I'm hopefully going to spend a day there with him as he gives me the run-down.

I'm actually at the Williams Science Library, looking at the school and the town to see if I can do some good here next year. I'm considering taking the job, but have to decide soon, as I'm going to London in a week and training starts July 11th. It wouldn't be easy to leave Anna and my whole fragile, perfect life behind for a new one. But that is what we often must do, to fight the possibilities of a good fight elsewhere.

I am bleary-eyed from looking at graduate web...

June 15, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I am bleary-eyed from looking at graduate websites, trying to dicern the difference between land economy, regeneration, and development planning. each school uses its own lingo, combined with the English institution gibberish. I've emailed all the graduate courses, but they just redirect you to their websites, when what I'd really like is a pamphlet and a nice cup of tea. That's why I'm looking in the U.K. in the first place...

Anyway, I didn't get the 5 college job, but I got a position at Williams College. Housing provided, but an hour away from my most special person, all my friends, and a beautiful pre-war apartment with pictures in all the right places. No decisions made yet.

I'm having a wonderful birthday! That is, it ...

June 11, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I'm having a wonderful birthday! That is, it was so great on Wednesday that I did it again on Thursday, and I don't plan on moving on today. Anna Monas and I are having a joint party on Saturday, and then I suppose I must move into 23 like a trooper. But Anna and I are going out to breakfast this morning, a very special treat for us.

I thought Harry Potter was lovely- the best of the films, fitting for the best of the books.

Good luck, Robbie!

Anna is at UMass Engineering Lab at the momen...

June 07, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Anna is at UMass Engineering Lab at the moment, doing whatever environmental engineers to best. Anna Monas, who shares my birthday, is having a joint party with me on the 12th, but for the real day, my group of friends is going out for dinner on AnnaMo's parent's tab. I'm excited to make cakes.

Northampton's 350th anniversary parade was yesterday, with 40 floats, half of which were fife and drum bands, a fourth bagpipe brigades, and the rest daredevil Shriners. Three full hours of gunfire, reinacting, kilts, and the most insane dune buggy mini cart tricks I have ever seen. While technically I do work on sundays, people were too busy watching the spectacle of a spectacles to buy children's books, so we got to watch the action from couches in the window all day.

This is a picture of Geography Jerry and I ...

May 31, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

This is a picture of Geography Jerry and I at Essentials. Yay!

Anna and I are sitting on the bed, writing to friends via email and snail mail. Our friends Casey and Jess have movd into a studio apartment a block away, and the summer is shaping up with lots of collective cooking and general hanging out. I heard through Lindsey that our neighbor Tren is very worried that my tomatoes are crowding each other, something that I've heard several times from a few too many 'concerned' non-practicing gardeners. Harumph, is what I have to say to them. My tomatoes are doing great, and they'll get thinned out when they're good and ready.

Work is pretty mellow, although the new owner is coming in on Tuesday for her first day learning the ropes, which I expect will make Colette, the manager, crack the whip to make a precedence for perfectionism and discipline. Yay. No more casual chatting with regulars or, God forbid, standing idle while dust settles and books lay asunder from their proper alignment. Other than that threat, summer does everything and everyone good.

Morgan is here for the week, and Marshall, Mc...

May 21, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Morgan is here for the week, and Marshall, McKenna, and Kyle threaten to visit for the weekend. Anna is having a time in Trinidad, which sounds like an American resort with diffierent currency. But I only talked to her for a few minutes. Had my VISTA interview, felt like having a really intense elimadate with four people at the same time. I fell asleep for an hour afterwards and Morgan made me pancakes. Ah, nothing like good friends.

Graduation weekend came and went, leaving me ...

May 18, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Graduation weekend came and went, leaving me with a sore heart and fourteen potted plants. Somehow I didn't think it would be tough to see my friends skattered to the winds, because I didn't mind it much last year, but so many of my friends were a year younger and staying put anyway. I ache for Kelly and her tenderness and laughter, and Alexis, for her sass and intelectual companionship. Emily Jones, Anna's big sister, will be going to Germany next year, as will Megan Wells Jamieson. Anna is in Trinidad and I have the house alone for contemplation and plant sitting all week. Lovely Morgan Munro will decend anyday now, and then a bunch of old school buddies are crashing here for some Western Mass good times this weekend. I hope it will soften the pain of losing so many good people in one day, and remind me that a good friend is never really lost.

Anna Monas and I are going on a big adventure today, before her job at the Eric Carle Picture Book Museum begins. Springfield, here we come!

After a bout with that wicked virus, I'm back...

May 10, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

After a bout with that wicked virus, I'm back online. The VISTA beotch is still up in the air, although I got a helpless email from one fellow saying the process was now out of his hands, so I've emailed another fellow who is now doing secondary and totally separate interviews- the 5-college administation likes to be in control of their own thing, I suppose. Whatever, yo. Anna's boxes are making me a little punchy and I've gotta go to work. But keep those cutie photos coming. my goodness!

On a busy day off from work, I moved my morni...

May 04, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

On a busy day off from work, I moved my morning glories and tomatoes outside, watched The Thin Man and After the Thin Man, went grocery shopping, cleaned the house, continued to compile my new journal, and enjoyed the perfect weather. Even Anna is feeling cheery about her finals. She's decided to play in an all-womyn's Northampton softball League this summer. The names of teams include "the resisters," "the red scare," "no nukes," "visionaries," and "womynrisers." It's been fun trying to pick a team to join, as each describes themselves as laid-back and supportive of all skill levels. Many describe their kids, dogs, and the food they go to afterward as a perk of the team. Sounds perfect for Anna... a real taste of Northampton.

I saw Pillow Talk for the first time last nig...

April 28, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I saw Pillow Talk for the first time last night, and it was just wonderful. Everyone says Northampton is best in the summer, with excessive downtown loitering by people, babies and puppies.

Anna isn't sleeping much this week, and I'm afraid finals week will be just as bad. She's secured an internship with the renewable energy center at umass doing cogeneration (reusing biproducts from the production of energy to fuel part of the process) and stuff. Sounds like a good plan.

Marshall, his special friend McKenna, Morgan, Kyle Lamb, Connor Reidy, and God knows who else are going on a big camping trip in late May, which should be a crazy good time. Just a weekend. With the anniversary of Dick's death creeping up, I want a little bright possibility on the horizon. I see quite a few. Things are looking up.

But I would be SO happy if you came and visited

April 26, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

But I would be SO happy if you came and visited.

It's nice to know that mom always has room fo...

April 25, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

It's nice to know that mom always has room for another kid in her heart, but I think she'll have to work it out with her own mom. Anyway, that weekend is going to be absolute madness. my roomate Lindsey, her g.f. Rachael, Alexis, and Kelly, among many others, are graduating. Lindsey hired Anna's quartet to play for her and Rachael's (large) families at a brunch at our apartment, which I hope won't be too insane. Then Anna is off to Trinidad with the college orchestra for a week. All four (Linds, Rachael, Anna and I) are living together this summer, so I'd love to get anyone's space-saving tips as we squeeze two more people into a one bedroom. Mom, will you send those great decorating books?

I know that you've all been waiting in antici...

April 23, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I know that you've all been waiting in anticipation for my birthday list, and I've decided to give you a month to prepare for the Big Day. I would like, other than your undying love and attention, a Sunday subscription to the New York Times, magazing subscriptions (as examples: Budget Living, GQ), frames, a black stamp pad, cds (Donovan, Elton John, The Rolling Stones -Hot Rocks, Jurrasic 5, and other burned favorites), and the third season of 24. I am also partial to things that have days of the week on them (K Mart dishtowels, etc.), the Wall Mart John Deer dish line, and black and white photos of the family.

Does anyone know what Jenny wants? And Yayoe?

I have a friend at school who's mom isn't coming to her graduation because she came out. My thoughts: don't they have tv in Cincinnati? The gays are funny, well-dressed, always helpful- why wouldn't you want one in the family? I am at a total loss.

Anna loved Robbie's library antics

April 19, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Anna loved Robbie's library antics. She just can't imagine a community so in love with their public library. You'll have to tell us more about it.

I woke up this morning to the radio talk show host, also local video clerk and city councellor, raving up a storm about how some justices of the peace aren't giving marriage licenses to gay couples who want to get married. Anywhere else I'd freeze up, not knowing what would come next, but by God, Bill was ranting for me! He said he'd go marry people himself. I thought, Northampton sure looks nice in the springtime. And it does.

NPR had an interesting story on No Child Left Behind this morning. listen to it when it comes your way.

I have a borrowed sewing machine in front of ...

April 13, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I have a borrowed sewing machine in front of me and am preparing to begin my first ever quilting project, made from discontinued furniture scraps from Essentials. I hope the end result will feel like an expensive apolstered embrace.

Here is a poem right back at Sam, if I rememb...

April 08, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Here is a poem right back at Sam, if I remember Shel correctly:
I will not play a tug of war
I'd rather play a hug o war
Where everyone hugs instead of tugs
Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rugs
Where everyone kisses and everyone grins
And everyone cuddles and everyone wins

I'm feeling much better now. :)

while we didn't get around to reinacting the ...

April 01, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

while we didn't get around to reinacting the twelve stations of the cross, sam and i had a great time planning for our big production the next time i'm in town. i also had isa time, which is performative in its own right, down to the glass slippers and pretty pink princess boa. dez has an impeccable sense of physical humor, as so boldly displayed in his little vaudville act on friday. jordan is quite the talker these days too, and emma, with her warmest temperment, is such a blessing. thank you, my most amazing and loving family, for making spectacular babies for me to miss when i'm gone. anna thanks all of you for being so sweet to her, even if she won't transfer to the UofO next week. i miss you already.

so i'm back safe and sound, although i have to go back to hartford tonight to retreive my wallet, which slipped out of my pocket or bag during the flight. another hour and a half in the car won't kill me, and the rest of the travelling was smooth sailing. My roommate Lindsey may have a tropical viral infection, but her fever is down and she wasn't dead when i last checked, so she should pull through.

I have many thing's I'd like to do while I'm ...

March 23, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I have many thing's I'd like to do while I'm home, most of which involve familial gatherings, some at various homes or Eugene hangouts. If anyone has free days that they'd like to spend with me, I'd like to spend them with you too.

Here are some things I'd like to do:
Watch Alice in Wonderland, Donald Duck in Mathland and Harold and Maude
Cook like crazy for the 28th celebration
Reinact the stations of the cross with willing little children

Yeah for Christian flexibility! I missed East...

March 20, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Yeah for Christian flexibility! I missed Easter four times too many, and I will not miss it again. Christ is all the time anywhere and I don't see anything wrong with toasting to good food and good company on the 28th instead of some other day.

I officially have a toothache from decay

March 16, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I officially have a toothache from decay. I should be disowned.

Three days and three dye bottles later, I no ...

March 15, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Three days and three dye bottles later, I no longer have black hair. It is brown. Almost. Currently, I look like a red head that dyed her hair brown four months ago, rather than a blonde that dyed her hair black yesterday. The day before, I was a brunette that dyed her hair black then brown, but not quite the right color brown, so had brown roots, mahogany grown out roots, and black tips. Very punk rock. Now I'm spring punk rock, with all the split ends and peroxide headaches to prove it. If I still have hair when I get home, act excited about whatever color it is.

Lindsey and Anna are out of town, so it's just Lindsey's girlfriend Rachael and I schlepping around the apartment, she finishing her thesis and I watching the fourth season of Sex and the City. We're having a really good time.

This is a great organization and website if y...

March 10, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

This is a great organization and website if you're at all interested in AIDS activism and current government policies and politics:

With the help of a borrowed grow lamp, my seedlings are doing beautifully. If all goes well, I might have my own lettuce, tomatoes, and basil this spring. If not, I have a little greening hope to pull me through one last snow.

do you mind posting some pictures of dad's bi...

March 08, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

do you mind posting some pictures of dad's birthday? i'd love to see seraph's new funk and the beautiful faces of the kiddos.

You know Sadie, I completely forgot to bring my camera. Not sure if someone else thought to take some pictures . . . - Adam

Made good polenta

March 05, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Made good polenta.

Not to get totally gay on you, but just so yo...

March 01, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Not to get totally gay on you, but just so you know, this is what the American Anthropological Association has to say about the issue:

"The results of more than a century of anthropological research on households, kinship relationships, and families, across cultures and through time, provide no support whatsoever for the view that either civilization or viable social orders depend upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution. Rather, anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies.

The Executive Board of the American Anthropological Association strongly opposes a constitutional amendment limiting marriage to heterosexual couples."

And that's all I have to say today.

New York flips as penguins come out in Centra...

February 27, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

New York flips as penguins come out in Central Park

Robin McKie, science editor
Sunday February 8, 2004
The Observer

As gays go, Roy and Silo are not unusual. They cohabit, are affectionate in public and have been inseparable for years. Only their species marks them out. The New York pair are chinstrap penguins.
Every day at Manhattan's Central Park Zoo the two males entwine necks, vocalise to each other and have, er, sex. When offered female companionship, they decline.

Roy and Silo have even displayed urges to procreate, and once tried to hatch a rock. Finally their keeper, Rob Gramzay, gave them a fertile egg from another brood. Tango, their chick, was born later. The pair raised it lovingly. 'They did a great job,' admits Gramzay.

According to a study of the penguins released this weekend in the New York Times, Milou and Squawk - another pair of Central Park's male chinstraps - have started hanging out together, billing and bowing. At the New York Aquarium on Coney Island, Wendell and Cass - male blackfoot penguins - are a devoted couple.

But being gay is not just a New York penguin thing. In fact, scientists are discovering homosexuality everywhere they look. The lessons for humans are profound, say scientists.

Bruce Bagemihl, author of Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity, says homosexual behaviour has been noted in more than 450 species and more often in wild animals than captive ones. The question is: why? Some researchers say it helps a species' survival. By not producing offspring, homosexuals can help to support relatives' young. 'That's a contribution to the gene pool,' says Professor Marlene Zuk of University of California, Riverside.

Sexuality means more than just procreation, says Zuk. 'In animals like the bonobo, you see expressions of sex outside the period when females are fertile. It means more than making babies.

'And why should we be surprised? People are animals.'

I saw Dennis Kucinich tonight in a packed aud...

February 25, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I saw Dennis Kucinich tonight in a packed auditorium at Smith, and have found myself a political leader who speaks truth to power and counters it with retoric of peace and democracy. Not only is he an internationalist who would sign the Kyoto Climate Treaty, the Small Arms Treaty, join the International Criminal Court and reinstate the Anti-Ballistic Missle Treaty, he would withdraw from the WTO and NAFTA! social justice issues of affirmative action, civil rights, and reproductive rights are central in his agenda, as are the economic justice issues of education, full social security benefits and universal health care. He stands alone among all the Democratic candidates as a proponant of gay marriage. Now can any of you, knowing that I ache to grow old with one person and share my life with them, no matter their gender, say to me that you approve of institutionalized bigotry and homophobia? Can you vote for a candidate who can offer a group of citizens seperate and unequal benefits under the law? I thought not. So do it now, in the primaries, for the good of your soul.

The moments that got me were when, quite naturally, as he spoke of fighting the mass fear that fuels war, he said, "since reality is socially constructed and culturally affirmed..." Wow. What a guy. Secondly, when a woman asked him about gay marriage, which he didn't speak of in his speach, he stepped down from stage and embraced her, sending the crowd to tears. He returned to stage, stood in silence, and then spoke of moments in time when democracy has the chance to expand for all of us, and this moment, when all people will have the right to marry under the law, as one of those moments. I quivered at the thought that a candidate actually beleives that I should have equal rights under the law as my straight bother and sisters. He also built the crowd, slowly, intentionally, using poetry and Jung, into a fervor about peace. Peace! International cooperation! Love! I was reminded of the Emmy Lou Harris Song "Jerusalem Tomarrow" about a con-artist who gets overshadowed when Jesus comes to town. He says "Instead of calling out for fire from above, he just gets real quiet and talks about love/ and I'll tell you something funny, he didn't want nobody's money/ now I'm not exactly sure what this all means/ but it's the damndest thing I swear I've ever seen." I feel honored to have the opportunity to vote for someone that represents me, but also represents 'we', and a vision beyond unilateralism and 'us' vs. 'them.'

But that's all I have to say about that. and that he's a vegan. And that's it.

So professor Donna Riley and I wrote a paper ...

February 19, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

So professor Donna Riley and I wrote a paper together a few months ago, except I didn't actually write it, but that is neither here nor there, as the Journal of Engineering Education accepted it and it's going to be published. So that's a little exciting.

I'm coming home March 23rd-31st! Yeeeaaahhhh!...

February 16, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I'm coming home March 23rd-31st! Yeeeaaahhhh!

This is a picture of the first gay couple to be married in San Fransico. Double yeah!

This is my cry for help

February 13, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

This is my cry for help. I have a friend who is seriously considering voting for Bush, and I need a set of really good reasons for her not to. Send 'em along.

i dig it, ma

February 12, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

i dig it, ma. i'm doing my best to walk, talk, and do the things that would make Dick proud- just being alive and passionate about, as Cornelius Eady would say, my small graffiti dance.

I made veggie pot pie from scratch and it was...

January 27, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I made veggie pot pie from scratch and it was good.

More unsure about the VISTA job now, because the 5-college group wants a VISTA person but every college wants to have their own candidate. I was never very good at competitive sports. Freeze up. Sigh.

Anna made wonderful enchaladas this evening

January 20, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Anna made wonderful enchaladas this evening.

I decided to take this Sunday off work, as a ...

January 18, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I decided to take this Sunday off work, as a coworker needed the hours to get essential's medical benefits and Anna is still on her january break. We are going to go to the Smith College Muesum to see (again) an amazing exhibit called Undomesticated Interiors, and then to a Grease Movie sing-along at the Academy of Music, put on by the Noho Council on the Arts. The singin is lead by Northampton high school chorus students, and you get a dollar off if you go in costume. We are most certainly going in costume. Anna has been occupying herself with j-term classes and various documentaries from the library.
The weather is not quite as intense as earlier in the week, when local schools were closed due to the cold. No snow, just a bit chilly. Chillier than Antarctica.

It is so cold that all moisture once floating...

January 12, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

It is so cold that all moisture once floating about in the air, making life bearable, has frozen. My skin, once a friendly and flexible organ, is taught and cracking open, pore by pore. Every inch of my body itches. If I didn't thank Santa for all the lotion, I'm thanking Santa now. I have to go and fill the tub with it.

Well, all is well in Noho, at an expected fri...

January 08, 2004 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Well, all is well in Noho, at an expected frigid negative four degrees this evening. I finally (phew) finished up at the planning office, and am so ready to take my new toolbox of know-how into the streets. Anna has a month break, so it's nice to have a bit more leasure time to spend with her. We're doing quite a bit of cooking, and if anyone knows how to make curries taste good, send me a recipe. My potato curry from the essential vegetarian cookbook was terrible. The Trader Joe's gift certificate (thank you yayoe!) has translated into yummy frozen pad thai, veggies, and fresh coffee, among other things nessesary for a well-stocked pantry. I now have internet at home, so feel free to send emails knowing my replies will not be sent clandestinely from the planning office. Many hugs!

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