I empathize with Adam's exhaustion from email...

January 27, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I empathize with Adam's exhaustion from email communication. I myself communicate almost completely through email, which enables a huge volume of communication to happen in short periods of time. Unfortunately, my brain doesn't have the capacity to actually keep up with that kind of efficient relay of information, so I end up all fuzzy at the end of the day. And actually seeing the people I email is a little like when you run into someone from high school in another country. A disjuncture in the time/space continuum.

The tsunami relief coalition has raised about $9,500 this month and my winter study class assessments are rolling in today. I'm going on a service trip to New York City next week, which should be cool. It's been a big month.

I took a great digital storytelling workshop,...

January 21, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I took a great digital storytelling workshop, which I think all of you would have enjoyed. Once I get the story back, I'll post it online. Today I had a public speaking workshop, and tonight I get to collect donations for tsunami relief at a basketball game. As I think of all of you with babies and cars, I realize what a luxury it is to give myself to community-based learning and action.

Here is a very cute email from Sara Spettel, ...

January 19, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Here is a very cute email from Sara Spettel, which I thought you all might like:

By now you should all have received your save-the-date card. So please re-schedule your poker nights accordingly for June 25th. Anyway, here are some things that I need to do (Alina’a magazine’s all say these things should have been done about 17 months ago. In fact I believe you are supposed to hire a florist before you ever start dating) and I decided I would ask all my good friends who either currently or once resided in the good state of Oregon to help me out.

1) Photographer. Any suggestions?
2) Florist and a wholesale flower market. I don’t think I’ve ever bought flowers in Eugene.
3) Officiant. (otherwise known as the person who stands up and feeds us our lines.) Now, many people take the easy route and get some religious figure to fill this role. Unfortunately the Quakers just sit silently (you think I’m kidding than you haven’t been to a Quaker wedding) and the Muslims (at least Alina’s kind) do this sortof praying/contract signing with just the fathers and men. Not what we had in mind. And while we’re both unset that we’re not marrying Jews, I think we’ve come to terms with it. So I’m raking my brains for someone, suggestions welcome. Here are the requirements:
1)Can’t be related to either of us
2)Can’t be/ or be related to one of our ex-girlfriends
3)Must be able to not mention god, how “brave we are” and not touchy feely
4)Let me repeat: No touchy-feely
5)Ideally someone a touch older who is a good speaker
6)I’ve tried to think of teachers I’ve respected and haven’t pissed off too much. Any help?
4) DJ
5) Volunteers to host the poor recent grads when they come to Eugene. No, I’m not pimping out my friends now, that comes later. But if you or any of your parents wouldn’t mind a kid or two in the guest room and/or your bed, I’m sure it’d be appreciated.



January 13, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Ha. Accidental charity. My class is going to clean out a basement today- now that's committment to community solidarity. Williams Tsunami Relief Coalition is making bank with its fundraising efforts, and I'm tempted to send the money off to small business development in North Adams. The tragedy of industrial flight in Western Mass feels more real to me, but I'm pretty into the local right now. So we juggle.

The snow was falling thick and wet all day to...

January 12, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

The snow was falling thick and wet all day today, and I have half a mind to go home and nap until my 7 o'clock meeting this evening. Tomorrow is our adventure to Holyoke to work with Nuestras Raices (Our Roots). We're cleaning out their basement in solidarity with the cool work they do. I'm so proud of my students for doing all this crazy stuff I have organized for them.

Anna's in D.C. learning about science and technology policy with other undergraduate women- sounds interesting. It struck me that so many medical researchers she met in the FDA changed their research to 'terrorist defense' from inconsequenstial things like AIDS vaccines. I hate hate hate hate hate the government I work for. The government is an enemy of the bill of rights and the constitution. Had to be said.

I'd love to kid sit

January 07, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I'd love to kid sit. Send 'em over. The Informational Technology people came over and gave me a new computer- very exciting! It's very quiet and sleek. My first section of the winter study course I'm leading went well, and I'm hoping for a good turnout on Tuesday. Other than that, I brainstormed with a student about her new fundraising group on campus and futzed around. Fridays in January rock.

I am safe and sound in Williamstown, graduall...

January 05, 2005 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I am safe and sound in Williamstown, gradually recovering from jet lag and quite busy with all the projects at work. I had such a smashing time that it's as hard as ever to be of two hearts on two coasts. It was 40 degrees yesterday! Strangely Eugenian weather.

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