I'm sniffling away at VISTA pre-service orien...

July 11, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I'm sniffling away at VISTA pre-service orientation in Eastern MA. Other than the leaky nose and bulging throat nodes, PSO is going very well, and I'm slouching into the world of VISTA leaderdom with as much dignity as I can manage with wads of tissue clinging to my nose. The new corps is great, and I think I'll scrape by for the week on vitamin a (advil) and tea. The ocean is, of course, a lovely touch to the week, and my VISTA co-leader is making up for my cold by being her generally hilarious, attentive, and lovely self.

I just can't wait to see all of you on the west coast.

What a fourth! Janet and I dressed up like Al...

July 05, 2006 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

What a fourth! Janet and I dressed up like Al Gore, face mask and all, and marched with Images Cinema in the Williamstown 4th of July parade to promote An Inconvenient Truth. After much marching (Spring St. is nearly half a city block long), we headed over to hear the Declaration of Independence read aloud, with the British response, in the Chapin Rare Books Library. We saw original copies of the founding documents and got to cheer and hiss at some actors from the Williamstown Theatre Festival. The rest of the day involved lying still and reading magazines in front of the fan, but all in all I think we did our patriotic duty.

I am feeling a little better about my job, although I had a super asstastic meeting with Informational Technology yesterday. I could go into it, but I think the cartoon says it all.

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